Call For Consultancy – Promoting An Enabling Environment – Kitui County – GROOTS Kenya

World Health Organization studies indicate that around 3 billion people still cook and heat their homes using solid fuels (i.e. wood, crop wastes, charcoal, coal and dung) in open fires and leaky stoves. Most are poor, and live in low and middle-income countries. Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies result in household air pollution which exposes an individual to inhalation of dangerous soot particles. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for fine particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth. This exposure results in increased death and illness like pneumonia, stroke, heart diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. Related studies in Kenya have also revealed that open fires have resulted to burning of houses and degradation of environment caused by forest cutting.
In Kenya, 76% of the population relies on biomass for cooking, with serious implications for public health (including an estimated 15,000 deaths linked to indoor air pollution), as well as the environment, women’s well-being and economic development opportunities, (Stockholm Environmental Institute report 2016). Kenya is already a leader within sub-Saharan Africa in developing and distributing clean cooking stoves. It also leads in the development of favourable policy and regulatory framework for adoption of clean cooking. However in order to achieve large scale adoption and use; there is need to review the gaps in the regulatory frameworks, economic and behavioural barriers.
It is on this background that GROOTS Kenya and CCAK with support from Netherlands Enterprise Agency (SNV) are implementing Policy Dialogue Project on clean cooking under the Voice for Change Partnership Programme. The consortium has agreed on various approaches with a goal of ensuring increased adoption of clean cooking energy in Kenya. These approaches include; addressing gaps in policy and legal frameworks at national and county level, Behaviour change communication & sensitization for County level stakeholders and clean cooking standards and regulations. The proposed survey is one of the strategies to develop a baseline and evidence for the implementation of the project.
About Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood (GROOTS Kenya)
GROOTS Kenya is a non-governmental organization working with over 2500 organized community based organizations and self help groups in Kenya. It was established in 1995 after the Beijing Conference to enhance participation of grassroots women and their communities in development processes and decision making. The organization has four main thematic areas through which it achieves its goal. They include Enhancing women Leadership and Governance, Securing Land rights of marginalised women and vulnerable children, Enhancing community Reponses to HIV and AIDS and lastly Building Community Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change. This work covers 14 out of 47 counties in Kenya including Kitui. The clean cooking is implemented under the later thematic area. Of importance is that GROOTS Kenya has had its presence in Kitui since 2003 working on various issues including organizing of home based carers. Currently, there is an ongoing project on Enhancing Rural Women’s Access to Trade and Market through horticulture and production of indigenous chicken. The project has also incorporated the use of efficient and energy saving technologies among women in trade. It covers three sub counties including Kitui West, Central and Rural.
About Clean Cook stoves Association of Kenya (CCAK)
CCAK is a registered association formed in 2012. It currently has 33 members comprising representatives from government, academia, private sector, donor agencies, NGOs and others active in the clean cooking sector.
CCAK’s mission is to facilitate the scaling up of the clean cook stoves and clean fuels market in Kenya through convening and coordinating the sector, advocating for enabling government policies, creating public awareness and capacity building. The association strives to build solidarity amongst clean cook stoves and fuels stakeholders and create effective partnerships to ensure the use of clean cook stoves and fuels is the norm in Kenyan households and institutions. CCAK is dedicated to this goal because clean cook stoves and fuels save time, lives, money, forests and provide employment. Its main aim is to facilitate the increase of adoption of clean cook stoves and fuels by all institutions and 5 million households in Kenya by 2020. Under this project, CCAK will put more focus at the national level working with policy makers and private sector to enhance an enabling environment for adoption of clean cooking.
SNV Voice for Change Programme
The Netherlands has a long tradition of supporting civil society organisations (CSOs) operating in low- and middle-income countries. CSOs are the voice of citizens at local, national and international level. They can help make government more accountable to citizens and increase its legitimacy. In doing so, they contribute to greater social cohesion, stronger and more open democracies, a better response to environmental problems, a better business climate, more opportunities for all and less inequality.
Voices for Change Programme aims at strengthening capacities of CSOs to advocate for a conducive enabling environment in WASH, Renewable Energy, Nutrition and Food Security, and Resilience. Through a competitive selection process, ten CSO’s have been selected under this programme, they will go through a capacity development trajectory and receive on the job coaching to improve their capacities in the following areas: leadership, advocacy, utilisation of data and evidence, knowledge of relevant themes and business development in their particular sectors. In addition to improved capacities, the project will make evidence available that CSOs can use in their advocacy plans and activities

1.1. Overall Objective
The overall objective of the consultancy is a follows:
To conduct a community-led mapping on the current cooking practices and their effects
Specific objectives:
a) Undertake a desk review of clean cook stoves and fuels policies, regulations and projects in County of Kitui on Collect and collate Kitui County
b) Undertake participatory and community led data collection in eight sub counties
c) Formulate clear recommendations based on the findings of the survey.

1.2. Deliverables
Overall the Consultant will deliver the following;
a) Consultancy work plan and outline of report.
b) Produce draft reports
a. Policy analysis report
b. Field mapping report
c. Case Studies (covering effects of current cooking practices in 2 urban and 2 rural households)
c) Conduct a content validation workshop aimed at refining the draft document based on input of relevant stakeholder working group
d) Produce final reports (Policy Analysis and Community-led mapping report). This will be submitted in the form of bound copies and a 4 page simplified versions of the findings

2.1. Geographical area to be covered
The study will be done in Kitui County covering the 8 sub counties
2.2. Target Groups
The survey will target rural, per-urban and urban households in the County. The Consultant will propose the sample for the field mapping and work with the Consortium and relevant stakeholders when identifying target population.
Specific Activities
The Consultant is expected to:
1. Prepare and submit a detailed work plan for this assignment
2. Develop mapping tools in consultation with the consortium.
3. The consultant shall work with GROOTS Kenya to recruit and train community mapping assistants from Kitui County. The consultant is expected offer technical backstopping throughout and after the mapping exercise.
4. Undertake literature review to compile all information and data on cooking technologies and its effects.
5. Undertake the data collection and collection of relevant cases and examples of fuel and stove use. This will involve contacting the relevant actors. The Consultant will engage the consortium (CCAK, GROOTS Kenya and SNV) to validate the scope of the research effort in advance.
6. Present the draft findings to government, community representatives and other relevant stakeholders for validation through a workshop
7. Draft and refine the final report according to input received from stakeholders and approved by the consortium.
8. Develop policy & programming recommendations for county government, national government, private sector and development partners.

2.3. Consultancy Management
Reporting Lines
The consultant shall work with and report GROOTS Kenya and by extension CCAK and necessary as may be necessary

• Relevant degree in Social Sciences, Economics/Econometrics, or Development or any other related field
• Sound knowledge on renewable energy interventions, energy planning, energy engineering with a technical background in assessing household related data.
• Similar experience working on issues of energy and other related fields.
• Proven skills in conducting research, minimum 5 years’ experience in household surveys or equivalent.
• Good analytical and writing skills.
• Available to start the assignment in January 2017

Qualified experts are invited to submit the following application documents (not exceeding 12 pages) to by close of business on 10th January 2017.
• A cover letter outlining how the consultant(s) meet the specified requirements (1 page maximum).
• A technical and financial proposal.
• Wok plan on how they will execute the assignment.
• An itemized detailed budget proposal.
Annexes (Not included under the 12 pages)
• CVs of the consultant(s) who will carry out the work.
• List of related work undertaken in the past including references.

Note: Workshops logistics, venue and documentation will be organized by GROOTS Kenya
Time Frame
The assignment is expected to commence Mid-January 2017 for a period not exceeding 25 days, which includes preparation, data collection, validation and reporting.
