Packaging Animal Health Economics Studies – African Union – InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources

The prevailing institutional environment in most African countries is not conducive to the provision of affordable, accessible and sustainable quality veterinary services. An analysis of these problems provides the basis for the approach in the VET-GOV programme that aims to improve aspects of Governance and Institutional reforms required to improve the provision of veterinary services in Africa. The strategic goal of the programme is to bring about institutional strengthening of veterinary services towards (i) the establishment of adequate veterinary services at the national level (ii) strengthen regional institutions to play their roles of coordination, harmonization, integration and support to countries to stimulate a more conducive environment for public and private investments in the livestock sector.

The programme focuses on three main areas:
• Creating a conducive and participatory change environment through evidence-based advocacy and knowledge creation;
• Build institutional and individual capacity in policy analysis, formulation and implementation to undertake institutional strengthening of veterinary services;
• Encouraging change through supporting initiatives with high leverage effects.
The programme management is seeking for experienced team of consultants in the area of socio-economic impacts

Objective (s)
To undertake a review of the socio-economic studies on selected trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs) and zoonoses in Africa focusing on the economic impacts of the disease and cost and benefits of control measures.

Specifically, the team is expected to critically review literature on the socio-economic studies undertaken for the following trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs) and zoonoses:
• Foot and mouth disease (FMD)
• Rift valley fever (RVF)
• Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia (CBPP)
• Peste des petits ruminants (PPR)
• Rabies
• African Swine fever (ASF) Newcastle Disease (ND)
• Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)

Scope of Work
1. Identify all relevant studies and literature through a comprehensive process focusing on the last 10 years and Map them according to the Africa sub-regions and countries.
2. Establish exclusion and inclusion criteria to apply to the studies and literature.
3. Collate, analyze, summarize and report the results.
4. Document the Best practices and lessons learnt and establish the gaps in the economic analyses of priority TADs and zoonoses.
5. Conduct and facilitate a consultative Stakeholders’ workshop to review the report, agree key gaps and discuss priorities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in economic analysis of the impact of TADS and control measures in the context of the region and VETGOV implementation
6. Identify knowledge gaps and additional studies required
7. Make policy recommendations for the prevention and control of the priority diseases.

Expected Outputs
A Draft report will be submitted for approval three months from inception.
Stakeholder workshop report will be submitted one week after the stakeholder workshop.
A Final Report incorporating stakeholder input will be submitted two weeks after the Stakeholder workshop.
Three months (2 months to provide the initial draft, 2 weeks to convene stakeholder workshop and 2 weeks to produce a final report). The final report shall be prepared in the home country of the team of experts.
A team of consultants comprising, a designated Team leader, Epidemiologist and Livestock Economists drawn from both Anglophone and francophone countries.

The candidates must have an advanced university degree in economics or livestock epidemiology and economics or related field.

The successful candidates should have:
• at least five years’ proven working experience working with international organisations in the area of animal health economics
• at least three years’ experience in carrying out high level consultancies on animal health economics.
• sound knowledge in livestock policy and strategy review and formulation
• evidence of good writing skills and clarity of presentation of findings.
Terms of Engagement and Payment of the consultants
The consultants will be engaged for a total period of two months. The maximum budget available for the professional fees is USD 90,000 for 5 consultants during 2 months. The costs of field trips and DSA related to the consultancy will be borne by AU-IBAR.

Deadline for applications
Applications must be received not later than 05th January 2017.

All applications including updated CVs should be submitted to the Director through the email: and copied to clearly indicating in the subject line the name of the consultancy.
