Watamu Marine Association Website Designer

Application Deadline: February 16th 2017
Summary and Context of the Work of the Watamu Marine Association

WMA comprises over 30 member groups and organisations from a cross section of the tourism, community and environment sectors in Watamu. It commenced in 2008 as a registered Community Based Organisation (CBO) and in 2011 registered as a Civil Society (Association) under the Societies Act Cap 346. It is situated in Watamu in Kilifi County in Coast Province, Kenya. In line with its constitutional objectives the Association is committed to:
• Marine environmental welfare and sustainable use of marine resources – Supporting sustainable tourism and ecotourism development – Developing community based groups and projects in line with WMA objectives.
The Association is steered by an elected Committee and works closely with the local public administration and government agencies. The Association is exceptional in that it brings together marine stakeholders from all corners of the Watamu community.
1. Mission and Vision
Mission To develop community led sustainable marine resource management capacity to ensure the future protection of the Watamu Marine Park and Reserves as an asset that can provide employment and economic well-being for the Watamu community. Also, to develop partnerships between member organisations and work towards bridging the economic gap between the tourism sector and the local community for joint prosperity
Vision The vision of WMA is to provide consistent high quality service to the local community and member organisations in the fields of self-development, conservation development, sustainable tourism development and natural resource management.
WMA provides the following Services:
• Markets and promotes Watamu nationally and internationally as a world class tourist destination
• Community Based Ecotourism Development
• Dolphin and Whale Conservation, Research and Ecotourism Project
• Community Waste Management and Recycling Enterprises
• Environmental Welfare through Advocacy
• Anti-Child Abuse and Exploitation Awareness Project
Task: WMA seeks an unpaid volunteer with relevant expertise to design and construct a comprehensive website that offers a visible web presence for the project, and offers functionality to its members
Although this is an unpaid position the benefits for the volunteer are the following,
• Working for an Association with strong values and ethics,
• Gaining experience on marine protection, conservation, community business, tourism and health matters
• Working for a multicultural Association, with a wide cross section of members from tourism, community, environment and health
• The WMA has a large network, which can potentially generate paid work for the applicant who can showcase a new WMA website
Duration: 4 months – 1 week will be spent on location in Watamu at the commencement of the contact, basic travel and accommodation expenses will be provided by WMA (a return ticket to Watamu will be supplied to the successful applicant; this applies to Kenyan domestic travel only). The position will however be primarily home based. See Supervision and Contact below
Language Required: English

• High level of knowledge of graphic designing
• Excellent and artistic skills
• Solid and hands-on practical experience on graphic design
• High layout skills for reports
Required Skills and Experience
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Graphic Design, or related field.
Minimum two years of relevant work experience in Graphic Design and filmography.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
Excellent skills in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Avid, Final Cut Pro and other graphic design software.
User Groups/Audiences
The intended users of the website include, but are not limited to, the following:
The General Public
WMA Members – Community, tourism businesses and hotels
Associates and partners of WMA
Academia – University Representatives, Academic Staff, and students
Health groups
Women’s rights groups –
Other environmental, community, scientific, and health related associations and personnel
The volunteer will be required to create (design, develop, test and implement) a web platform within the designated timeline which meets the following criteria:
Interactive, appealing, highly usable and responsive web design: Web Designs are very
subjective, we expect the volunteer to show-case their best elements in delivering
suitable intranet design options. The design and solution must be easy to use
Average site load-time should be reasonable
Search engine friendly
Able to render appropriately on a wide variety of different browsers
Be Secure: The design of the solution should adhere to security best practices, for
example: passwords should not be stored in plain-text, all form data should be validated,
all user input should be sanitised, user interactions and activities should be logged etc.
Design and final solution should adhere to accessibility and compliance requirements (as
defined by the project team): The Web solution should be designed to ensure that
everyone, including users who have difficulty seeing, hearing, and making precise
movements, can use them.
Registered Users (Member’s) only Areas – (Dolphin and Whale Program)

Site news/Trending now content blocks: The web solution will provide content/screen
areas containing:
• Calendar
• Upcoming events
• Latest news/Site news
• Trending topics

Secured & Authenticated Web Access Web solution should be secured in accordance with
current best practices, for example through the use of an SSL Certificate and appropriate
access control methods. Access to web solution to be authenticated.
User Registration and Administration: The solution should allow users to complete an
appropriate user registration process. User registration data and credentials are to be
persisted by the solution in an appropriate form. The user registration process should
adhere to best practices including the use of CAPTCHA and email verification and should
be able to scale as needed i.e. No limit on the number of users that can register.
Administrators should be able to review user registration/profile details, change user
roles/access rights, terminate / close user accounts.
User Profile and Account Administration: Users should be able to view and update user
generated information on self, for example personal details, password and account details,
posts, preferences and interests.
Privacy Settings Administration: Members should be able to configure how much of their
profile information is shared with different users/user groups.
Content Management System: The solution should allow authorised project staff (or appointed
personnel) to edit and update the website including the ability to create, remove, edit and
publish content.
Site Statistics/Management Reports: The solution should provide authorised users with a
number of relevant reports, for example user registration, site usage, key interests/topics
being discussed within the collaborative spaces and other relevant statistical data.
Calendar, Events, Reminders, calendar integration: Specific authorised users should have
the ability to create and administer events and event details. Other users should be able
to search for and find events based on specific criteria. Members should be able to receive
notifications that an event has been scheduled and reminders of upcoming events.
Social Network and Media Integration
Mass Email/Messaging: The system should provide a feature to allow authorised content administrators (or other authorised administrators) to contact all or group/community members. This feature may be used to facilitate the dissemination of newsletters.
Document Management System (DMS): Document upload (any file format) with
Description – Who uploaded – Date of upload – File Format etc., creation of new relevant
page (if required), Mouse Over description on File Name (compatible to major OS and
Browser) image uploaded should be uploaded with the appropriate meta-data including
mandatory keywords / tags / fields (will be decided later) – for internal Search Indexing.
Spam Control: The solution should provide an automated challenge system that reduces
the number of spam comments/posts that either need moderation or slip through filtering
Search: The solution should provide users with the ability to search for and locate content
based on keywords and key phrases. Search should not be limited to articles, pages or
other forms of content-administrator created posts but should also include user-generated
content found within the community areas.
Find a Member feature and Community/Group Member listing Views: The solution should
allow users to find the member of a particular community or group based on some relevant
criteria. In addition to the aforementioned feature a registered user aka ”member” should
be able to view the list of members of any group that they are a part of.
The solution must be able to accommodate the inclusion of transcripts/narrations for video
content. Transcripts/Narration may be available in multiple languages.
(Video could be uploaded on other websites, with streaming option on Intranet)
Blog: Intranet should be capable of having Blog(s), with different themes / designs (at least
3 themes / designs to choose from).
Discussion Forum: Intranet should be capable of hosting a quick and basic level of
discussion with and w/o moderation of comments. Members should be able to view and
create posts, edit their own posts etc.
Survey & Poll: Intranet should be able to conduct a survey of around 10 to 20 questions
and Polling / voting system should also be available.
Public Users and Members Electronic Document Catalogue: Users should be allowed to
search for, view and/or download articles and documents.
Users should also be able to assign star ratings on articles, videos and other informational
Supervision & Contact
Supervision and online contact for the volunteer will be primarily carried out by the Project Consultant and the IT Manager, the final product will be approved by the Project Management Team and WMA Executive.
The position is defined as home-based volunteering with one week on site in Watamu as stated above
The WMA will hold exclusive rights to all design and
other work products contained on the website. Should the consultant require use of the website
in their portfolio, they will require written permission from the One Health Team.
Proposal Structure
The Applicant should be able to show
1. Understanding of the Scope of Work;
2. Proposed Methodology / Approach and detailed Timeline with Deliverables;
3. Proposed Technology (with justification);-please highlight the pros & cons of the technology
1. Sample(s) of similar work-done (please list active web address);
2. Links to good examples of work already completed by the volunteer
Once an agreement has been signed, within 21 working days, a mock-up of the proposed website
(using publisher or PowerPoint) should be presented to the WMA.

How to apply:
Interested applicants are requested to submit:
CV and letters in support
Including 2 references
Electronically to IT Manager Mike Mwang’ombe michaelgilbert.geo4@yahoo.com and Project Consultant – Jane Spilsbury janespilsbury@watamu.biz
All applications and support information must be submitted no later than February 16th 2017.

How to apply:
Interested applicants are requested to submit:
CV and letters in support
Including 2 references
Electronically to IT Manager Mike Mwang’ombe michaelgilbert.geo4@yahoo.com and Project Consultant – Jane Spilsbury janespilsbury@watamu.biz
All applications and support information must be submitted no later than February 16th 2017.
