Africa Agriculture Status Report – AGRA

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is an African-led alliance focused on putting farmers at the centre of our continent’s growing economy. AGRA advances uniquely African solutions to sustainably raise farmers’ productivity and connect them to a growing marketplace. Together with its partners—including researchers, donors, African governments, the private sector, and civil society—AGRA seeks to create an environment where Africa feeds itself.

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa is a not-for-profit organization working with African governments, other donors, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), the private sector and African farmers to significantly and sustainably improve the productivity and incomes of resource poor smallholder farmers in Africa. AGRA’s overall goal is to catalyze and sustain an Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa to increase incomes and improve food security of at least 30 million smallholder farming households with a set of targeted catalytic downstream and systemic investments coupled with government engagement made through its alliance of partners.

AGRA has been publishing the Africa Agriculture Status Report (AASR) since 2013. The annual publication has become a reference point for emerging topics on agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), such as Staple Crops (2013), Climate Change (2014), Youth in Agriculture (2015), and Progress towards Agriculture Transformation (2016). We are currently working on the 5th edition of the AASR 2017.

The current edition will focus on The Business of Smallholder Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. The publication will provide an overview of the state of smallholder agriculture in Africa, changing contexts, challenges and opportunities. It will outline strategies for promoting farming as a business via interventions which aim to improve the business environment. It will explore the roles of private sector, agribusiness and public sector in smallholder agriculture. This report will include a detailed collection of data and information from SSA countries.

AGRA is developing Volume 5 of its annual Africa Agriculture Status Report, which will focus on the Business of Smallholder Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. This report will include a detailed collection of data and information from SSA countries. The report will be approximately 200 pages, including statistical tables, technical boxes and/or illustrative charts and graphs. There will be a production Manager who will be the main point of contact with the vendor. The report will be ready by end of July 2017.

The objective of this assignment is to design the cover page, typeset the interior pages, charts and tables of the Africa Agriculture Status Report 2017 as per agreed AGRA standards.

Design a cover that is suitable and reflects the theme of the annual publication. The vendor will prepare different covers from which the AGRA team will choose from. However, the vendor may be requested to supply royalty-free stock photos and artwork as necessary and obtain approval from the Project Manager before using them.
Typeset the book and tables from the original MS Word and EXCEL files using Adobe InDesign.
Convert data into graphics, where possible
Prepare all files for the printing according to specifications from the printer.

Provide a complete typeset report including front and back matter
Provide an appropriate cover for the book
The entire suite of products delivered to the printers formatted for final printing in indesign file.
Work from the AGRA offices during the duration of the contract.
Payment schedule

This will be a fixed cost contract with one lump sum payment upon delivery of the output to the satisfaction of AGRA.

Proposal Submission:
Interested and qualified consultants are invited to submit their proposal(s) comprising of the following:
· An understanding of the consultancy requirements
· Methodology and work-plan for performing the assignment
· Project delivery plan
· Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments
· Relevant services undertaken in the past three (3) years
· Registration and other relevant statutory documents

Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents. Financial proposals will not be opened until the conclusion of the technical evaluation and then only for those proposals that are deemed qualified and responsive.

AGRA reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party.


All interested consultants or consultancy companies are requested to submit their proposals by close of business on Monday 15th May 2017 at 1700 Hours East Africa Time (GMT +3) to the following email address: All bidders must quote the above Title of the Proposal in the subject line of their email submission.
