Baseline Survey Consultant – Hias Refugee Trust of Kenya

HIAS Kenya is seeking to engage a consultant to carry out a baseline survey for this project. The baseline study is intended to provide detailed baseline data from four demographic groups including 1) Adult Men 2) Adult Women 3) Adolescent Girls 4) Survivors Subset groups include A) Community Leaders most likely to be involved in dealing with cases of IPV and B)Service Providers dealing with cased of IPV. Key information collected will be focus on gender equitable behaviors in the home, attitudes about the acceptance of IPV, knowledge and attitudes about help seeking behaviors of survivors, and attitudes related to addressing intimate partner violence using alternative dispute resolution practices. This baseline information will inform program content and serve as baseline measurement to see what if any changes have occurred after project implementation. It will involve specific social media campaigns as a key part of the project. The data collected will be both qualitative and quantitative in nature, with a focus on qualitative information. The data collected will also be used during the training of boys and girls, men and women and duty bearers, and for advocacy with purposes of reducing harmful behaviours and gender equitable behaviours in the homes. It will additionally inform development of relevant practical tools and approaches for on-going project monitoring, learning and an end line evaluation.

Overall Objective
The overall objective of the survey is to collect baseline data on the existing attitudes and behaviors related to the acceptance of IPV and reporting and help seeking behaviors of survivors of IPV.
Specific Objective of the survey
To understand attitudes and practices related to gender equitable behaviors in the home in at least 3 different refugees communities in the home
To understand the existing knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the use of IPV by men in at least 3 different refugee communities in Nairobi.
To understand the help seeking behaviors, including reporting, of survivors (adult and adolescent) of IPV in at least 3 different refugee communities in Nairobi.
To understand attitudes and beliefs of service providers as they relate to IPV. violence against women and girls amongst refugee communities in Nairobi.
To map out GBV service providers who support GBV survivors in Nairobi and help improve the referral mechanism for refugee survivors of GBV.
To support survivors to identify service delivery mechanism to support risk mitigation and prevention of VAW/G amongst urban refugees.
To analyse the data with an eye to informing a social media campaign focused on prevention, reporting and response.

The baseline will focus on the intervention, viz. the project on “Community Based Prevention on Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi” in the selected target population. The Geographical scope of the study will be within Nairobi County. In addition, the design and implementation of the baseline will take into account and abide by HIAS’s beneficiary-centered principles. This means, for example, ensuring women and girls are at the centre of the baseline study, that principles of gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination are considered and acted upon throughout, and that the meaningful participation of women, girls and other key stakeholders will be promoted in the design and implementation of the baseline.

In order to conduct the baseline survey on the key parameters, the following methodologies will be utilized, but should not be limited to:
Desk review on the situation of VAW/G, particularly in the area of policy, behaviour and protection
Quantitative data analysis specific to the geographical area within which the project is implemented, from different targeted project beneficiaries, organizations and institutions working in support of survivors of GBV.
Key informant interviews (KIIs), stakeholder consultations and other participatory methods used in consideration of the four (4) outcome areas stated above.
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with different Government and non-government institutions for providing practical experiences on matters GBV.

1) Detailed and professional reporting that addresses both the overall and specific objectives of the survey, and which includes specific recommendations on issues related to VAW/G. The report must be in English, clearly and concisely addressing the information outlined above. Documentation will include the following:
Work plan and Inception Report (with key parameters and indicators to be considered for the baseline survey including the methodologies for data collection and dissemination).
Development of tools agreed upon in the inception report
Data Collection based on the four (4) key outcome areas of the project as elaborated in the project document
Draft report for stakeholder review—clearly identifying information relevant to the four (4) outcome areas of the project framework; as well as data gaps and areas that may require further assessment
Final report with inputs from all stakeholders
2) Reporting will include:
A comprehensive and well organized Final Report complete with standard reporting formats (main body of the report should be a maximum of 10 pages[HL1] [DM2] in length, excluding TOC, tables and annexes).
An Abridged Report synthesizing the main findings and indicators of the survey (not to exceed 3-4 pages in length).
3) The research firm/organization will present findings/recommendations in a meeting organized for key HIAS staff:
Production of a power point for presenting the finding to HIAS staff and stakeholders
Ownership and copyright of all data, drafts and final products of the survey will be the sole and exclusive property of HIAS. The consultant will submit all original documents, materials and data to HIAS. Therefore, all the outputs of the survey will not be disseminated in part or whole without express authority from HIAS’s country director. The consultant shall not produce information in these materials in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc.) to a third party without a written permission from HIAS.

The overall study process is expected to take 12 working days including preparation, data collection, and analysis and reporting. The Consultant should be able to undertake some of the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned time frame, without compromising the quality expected.

HIAS will establish an evaluation team to oversee all the related tasks. The M&E officer and GBV Primary Prevention Specialist will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the evaluation tasks with the Consultant. In addition, the Program Manager, Head of Programmes and Country Director will provide all the necessary technical and operational support required throughout the evaluation process.

HIAS will provide:
Relevant documentation and background information.
Contacts of relevant stakeholders and set up meeting(s).
Conference/workshop facilities needed for the planning.
Consolidated feedback/guidance on draft reports and strategy.
The Consultant will be responsible for the following:
With support from HIAS the consultant will lead the process of:
Study design, methodology, planning and quality control procedures
Reviewing existing information, preparing outlines, including study objectives, research questions, and development of sampling methodologies;
Finalizing: (1) workplan and checklists (2) questionnaire(s), (3) guidelines.
The consultant will finalize the topics for assessment in consultation with HIAS (the extent and rigor of this assessment will depend on the study objectives and the result framework outputs).
The consultant will guide and provide required technical support to the field teams for carrying out interviews and gathering information from different stakeholders.
Conduct interviews (KII) with key project staff and stakeholders.
The consultant will remain responsible for the entire study maintaining the highest level standards and quality and for producing the final survey reports.
Analysis of clean baseline survey data, including integration of quantitative findings with qualitative data collection performed
Data analysis and report writing, draft the first report and include HIAS’s feedback and finalize the report for submission
Provide required data that is completed and labelled in English (variables and values) for both the SPSS and Microsoft file formats.
Provide daily briefing to the M&E Officer and GBV Primary Prevention Specialist on the progress and any challenges from the field.

We are looking for a Consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications:
An individual with demonstrable experience in VAW/G, intimate partner violence, gender equality, qualitative & quantitative researches, data analysis and reporting with a focus on Social research and evaluation, preferably in the region.
Prior experience in using Gender Equitable Men’s Scale or similar.
The team leader should preferably possess a post graduate degree in research-oriented social science or related discipline with extensive knowledge of and experience in leading (designing and undertaking) large scale quantitative social surveys as well as qualitative research
Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget
Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies
Previous experience working with women, girls and communities using participatory approaches
Excellent and demonstrated understanding of women’s Human rights and ethical issues in research
Strong quantitative data analysis skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software
Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner.
Capacity to use mobile data collection and GIS tools for data collection, and analysis of survey results.
Excellent verbal and written communication in English required.

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:
Letter of interest in submission of a proposal
A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following:
Consultant/Company Profile
Proposed methodology including areas of piloting, Sample Size Determination, and a proposed consultancy work plan
Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of the most recent report)
Proposed data management plan (collection, processing and analysis).
Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in Kenya Shillings.
The Applications should be submitted to Tender Committee, ( The deadline for submission is at 5.00 PM on 4th March 2020
[HL1] Anything over 20 pages that does NOT include annexes etc is long. The Consultant is encouraged to be concise and to the point.
[DM2] Resolved

Click here to Apply Online
