Board Chairperson- CHRM – Business Registration Service (The Service) – Africa Management Solutions Limited

The College of Human Resource Management (CHRM) is the training arm of the Institute of Human Resource Management. Its main objective is to develop the human resource required for management of people at the workplace in both public and private sector.
The Board Chairperson CHRM will be reporting to the Council.

Overall Responsibility
CHRM Board Chair ensures that the Board operates to high standards of corporate governance by personally demonstrating objectivity and accountability in the transaction of business.

Primary Responsibilities
Determining CHRM’s educational mission, overseeing college activities and contributing to the development of and approving the corporate plan, and other plans and policies deriving from it;
Ensuring effective and efficient use of resources, safeguarding assets, and that funds are used properly in accordance with terms and objects of the College;
Approving annual income and expenditure budgets and financial statements and monitoring financial health;
Ensuring proper arrangements for internal audit, external audit and risk management are in place and ensuring the existence, integrity and effectiveness of financial control systems;
Reviewing the performance of the college against its planned strategies and operational targets, and reporting to the Council on its effectiveness;
Appointing and setting the remuneration of the College Principal and other senior staff and setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff;
Ensuring that arrangements for the implementation of health and safety policies are satisfactory and effective;
Be involved in some disciplinary and complaints procedures.

Academic qualifications
Holder of a degree from a University recognized in Kenya
Professional Qualifications
Full member of IHRM with Practising License

Skills and Attributes
Judgment and discretion required
A good Communicator
Ability to make independent decisions
Knowledge of CHRM operations and
Provisions of HRMP Act

Method of Application
Applications are invited from suitably qualified officers.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications by downloading and complete the Employment Application Form below:

Please note:
Candidates should NOT attach any documents to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form.
Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.
Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
All officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.
Candidates are advised to apply for one position only where they are most suited.
The Completed application form should either be emailed to or directly delivered to our office – Africa Management Solutions Limited, 3rd Floor, Suite 12A, Vision Plaza, Mombasa Road, on or before 10th December, 2019.
