Climate Smart Agriculture Framework Programme – FAO

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been supporting the process of developing the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Framework Programme (KCSAFP), spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. The KCSAFP is the implementation instrument for the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy and aims at transitioning Kenyan Agriculture into sustainable, climate resilient and low carbon one that ensures food security and contributes to national development goals in line with Kenya Vision 2030. Specific objectives are to: (i) Contribute to increasing productivity and commercialization of agricultural related value chains with gender considerations, (ii) Enhance efficiency and resilience of the social, environmental, and economic aspects of agriculture and food systems to climate change impacts, (iii) Contribute to low carbon development by lowering national emission intensity in agriculture and food systems and (iv) Strengthen institutional coordination for effective implementation of the climate-smart agriculture programme at the national and county levels.

The programme outcomes areas include:
• Development of a sustainable system for achieving a coordinated, coherent and cooperative governance of climate resilience and low carbon growth issues in the agricultural sector.
• Mainstreaming CSA to support sector goal of transforming Kenya’s agricultural sector into an innovative, commercially oriented, competitive and modern industry that contributes to poverty reduction and improved food security in Kenya.
• Reducing vulnerability to cushion the impact of climate change, and enable agricultural sector stakeholders to respond to it by moving towards a climate-resilient sector, and taking actions where possible to encourage GHG emissions that are lower than business-as-usual practice.
• Improving CSA knowledge, extension and agro-weather services
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans project has to this end technically and financially supported consultations for the KCSAFP in all the forty seven (47) counties through six (6) county-cluster missions held in Mombasa, Kitui, Kitale, Kisumu, Embu and Naivasha. The county cluster missions were aimed at getting the counties’ Agriculture sector officials’ inputs for inclusion into the KCSAFP document. The consultations were held with the County Directors of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation and Environment who gave their recommendations and provided data for inclusion in the KCSAFP document. The services of a consultant are now sought to collate and analyse the inputs of the county consultation missions and appropriately incorporate them in the KCSAFP document.
Objectives of the assignment
The overall objective of the assignment will be to coherently incorporate the all the county consultations inputs into a final consolidated KCSAFP document.

The Specific objectives are:
• To synthesize the comments and recommendations obtained from the six cluster country consultations and incorporate them into the appropriate sections of the KCSAFP document.
• To insert county baselines and targets in the KCSAFP Master Indicator Matrix excel spreadsheet
• To produce the first draft KCSAFP document.
Reporting line and specific tasks
Under the overall guidance of the FAO Representative in Kenya and the direct supervision of National Coordinator for the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Project, the consultant will be responsible for finalizing on the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Framework programme (KCSAFP) document. The National Coordinator will be the primary contact for the consultant. The KCSAFP Task Team Leader based at the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries will provide additional guidance. The consultant will provide an update on a weekly basis with regard to progress. The consultant will specifically:
• Compile the revised draft final KCSAFP document with incorporated inputs, as track changes for presentation to the Task team.
• Prepare and present as annexes the KCSAFP individual county data and where county baselines and targets are not available obtain baselines and targets from various national policy documents
• Input the comments from the validation workshop, produce a solid KCSAFP draft document and present to FAO and the task team for publishing/editing/printing
Minimum Requirements
• Advanced University Degree in Environmental studies, Agricultural Sciences, Climate Change Adaptation, or a related field from a recognized and reputable institution.
• At least 15 years working experience with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries as well as field experience in climate smart agriculture and agricultural education and extension.
• Solid understanding of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy and the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Framework programme (KCSAFP) document. Previous involvement in the formulation of the two documents is a plus.
• In-depth understanding of the climate change adaptation landscape in Kenya.
• Knowledge of key stakeholders/actors engaged in climate change adaptation in Kenya
• Experience working with a wide range of stakeholders, including senior government officials, donors, development partners, county officials as well as regional organizations.
• Strong IT literacy and competency
• Results Focus
• Teamwork
• Communication
• Building effective relationships
• Knowledge sharing and continuous Improvement

Candidates are requested to submit their application by email to quoting the position title and vacancy announcement number.
A duly completed Personal Profile Form (PPF) generated from FAO’s iRecruitment portal as a PDF-file is to be submitted by email together with a cover letter. Please note that attached resumes or CV’s in place of the PPF will not be accepted.
In order to prepare a Personal Profile Form, you must first register on the FAO iRecruitment site by clicking on the following link to register: In order for your application to be properly evaluated, please ensure that all sections of the on-line profile are completed.
Applications received after the closing date will not be given consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
This vacancy is open to both male and female candidates. Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.
