Community Land Rights Project – Oxfam GB

The organisation
A simple, inescapable truth underlines everything we do at Oxfam. There’s enough wealth in this world to go around. It’s not unfortunate that people live in poverty. It’s unjustifiable. It’s not their problem. It’s ours too. And with the right support, we can stop poverty and suffering in their tracks. More than 8,000 people already commit their time and talents to our humanitarian and long-term development projects. Now we’re looking for yours.

Background, rationale and purpose of the evaluation

The Community Land Rights Programme is a two year programme implemented in Kenya and Nepal targeting 7500 men and 7500 women. The programme aimed at applying innovative legal empowerment techniques to support 75 communities in Kenya and Nepal to gain legal protection over their land and natural resources.

The Project’s primary objective is to provide technical legal support to strengthen community land and resource rights and then rigorously test the extent to which this mitigates and resolves local conflict. Oxfam and Namati together with Kenya Land Alliance (KLA), support communities to gain legal protection for their community lands and through an action research approach carefully track how this process affects local conflict and gender dynamics.

Objectives of the evaluation
To obtain end line measurements of key indicators about the perception of tenure and physical security of community members, threats to their security on issues related to land and natural resource ownership and access and compare this against baseline measurements.
To assess changes in county and community level dynamics after intervention, as well as evaluate understanding of community on their rights related to ownership and access to land and natural resources.
To evaluate the level of women’s engagement/participation on land and natural resource ownership.
To evaluate project impact and its contribution towards conflict resolution and mitigation.
Deduce lessons learnt from the project and document best practices that can be replicated within the same context or elsewhere either by Oxfam and partners or other stakeholders
Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project and how this contributed to the realization of the project objectives.
Evaluation team: qualifications and skills needed, plan for organizing the evaluation team

Interested consultant is expected to posses the following qualifications and experience
Masters degree in social sciences ,
In monitoring and evaluation, conflict resolution, project management or any other relevant study
Previous experience in evaluating similar projects such as human rights and land rights projects, conflict mitigation and resolution projects among others
Previous experience in running evaluations in the ASALs and Coastal part of Kenya
Previous experience managing a team of enumerators within a field research context

Interested consultants should send their applications to on or before 25th October, 2016. The proposal should include proposed methodology for undertaking the evaluation, sample size and how the sample was arrived at, detailed work plan, budget and qualifications for the evaluation team. The proposal should not be more than 12 pages in total and should indicate availability of the evaluation team.
