Consultancy Call For Review – Nairobi – Africa Platform for Social Protection

The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) is a pan African network of organizations operating at grassroots, national and regional levels, with a commitment to promoting and strengthening the social contract between states and citizens. To achieve this, the APSP promotes active engagement of National Platforms in the shaping of Social Protection policies, programmes and practices in Africa.
The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organization of 6 Partner States: the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The work of the EAC is guided by its Treaty which established the Community.The mission of the Community is to widen and deepen economic, political, social and cultural integration in order to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa through increased competitiveness, value added production, trade and investments.
One of the major guiding principles in achieving EAC integration is people –centred development as provided for in the Treaty establishing the East African Community. This principle implies the values of justice, sustainability, participation and inclusiveness which will be achieved through, among others, gender equality, youth empowerment, protection and promotion of children’s’ rights, protection for the vulnerable groups, and participation of the citizenry in their own development.

The EAC Strategic Plan on Gender, Youth, Children, Social Protection and Community Development (2012 – 2016) comes to an end in 2016. The strategic plan spells out key interventions in six distinct components namely gender, youth, children, persons with disabilities, social protection and community development. It outlines broad strategic objectives of each of the above components as well as the specific targets to be achieved during the period. As the period of implementation comes to an end, the EAC (Secretariat) intends to begin the process of reviewing the current strategic plan and develop a framework for a new strategic plan 2017-2020 for Gender, Children, Youth, Persons with Disabilities , Social Protection and Community Development. The review is necessary to assess to what extent the objectives of the 2012-2016 strategy are met, what are the challenges, and if there is a disconnect between the strategy and practice. Additionally over the four years of the implementation of the plan, there have been many socio- economic and political changes in the six components that have a bearing on the realization of the EAC mission in the social sector.

The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) with support from Save the Children (ESARO) are supporting the EAC to conduct a review of the current strategic plan, with the aim of generating a framework for the next strategy 2017-2020.
2. To assess the extent to which the objectives of the 2012-2016 strategic plan were met, identify challenges, and if there is a disconnect between the strategy and practice
3. To assess the broad objectives and activities under each component of the current strategy and establish gaps.
4. To review the activities under each component and determine the extent to which the activities were implemented, and to identify the challenges of implementation.
5. To generate information on new trends and emerging issues and best practice that influence change in strategy under each component.
6. Provide recommendations as well as missed opportunities to inform the next strategy.

1. An inception report on the assignment, including an activity schedule, and methodology on how to achieve the set specific tasks
2. A final report after inputs from EAC Secretariat, partner states, APSP, SCI/ through a validation meeting.
The review is expected to take place between August and October 2016.

• Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of regional processes
• Advanced university degree (Masters or PhD) in social sciences, public policy, development studies, or any other related discipline relevant to this assignment.
• Experience in strategy development in particular.
• Technical understanding of the sectors under this strategy – Gender, Children, Youth, Persons with disabilities, Social Protection, and Community Development.
• Previous experience in carrying out similar assignments desirable. Experience dealing with the AU, the EAC and other Regional mechanisms will be an added advantage

Interested parties are requested to submit a proposal containing both technical and financial aspects based on the specific tasks as outlined above to by the close of business 10th August 2016
