Consultancy To Develop An NGO – Somalia NGO Consortium

The Somalia NGO Consortium is a membership organization of National and International NGOs that work together to create an enabling environment for the efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian, development and peace building assistance to all the Somali people.
The Consortium has supported NGOs since 1999 through its core activities in coordination, representation, information sharing and advocacy. It has offices in Hargeisa, Garowe, Mogadishu and Nairobi. The Consortium currently has over 80 members working across Somalia and Somaliland.
In October 2015, the Federal Government of Somalia launched the National Development Plan. The plan will be implemented from 2017 to 2019 after the implementation of the New Deal Compact, which will end in 2016.
The purpose of the Somalia National Development Plan (2017-2019) is to provide guidance to the national authorities, the international partners and other stakeholders (private sector, civil societies and citizens at large) to Somalia in shaping a medium term strategic framework to build upon achievements of the past few years, further strengthen the (emerging) state structures, create a favorable environment for private and non-government sector development, and – importantly – bring the benefits of the development efforts to its citizens.

To assist the Somalia NGO Consortium in developing a common NGO position on the Somalia National Development Plan in light of the changing context of aid coordination within Somalia and on the basis of members’ key priorities. The paper is meant to inform and ensure NGO participation in NDP development and mechanisms.

1. To review and assess participation of International, National and Local NGOs in the current New Deal Compact to provide challenges, lessons learnt and recommendations for engagement in the NDP process. More specifically, to review coordination and funding mechanisms and advocacy and policy engagement..,
2. Assess how the New Deal PSGs align to the NDP and how NGOs involvement will engage in alignment with government-led policy framework;
3. Provide recommendations for the Federal Government of Somalia in defining its development objectives in the National Development Plan, particular where this impacts on NGO operations; in terms of terms of NGOs engagement and ways of working, NDP sectors focus and raise key concerns and highlight potential gaps
4. Review the humanitarian pillar as currently contained in the NDP and how this could impact the neutrality and impartiality of humanitarian operations of International and Local NGOs operating in Somalia;

The research will be conducted primarily using qualitative methodologies including;
1) A review of current documentation, studies, analysis and reports; and
2) Semi-structured interview with key stakeholders.
Stakeholders for interview/consultation will include:
• Federal Government of Somalia
• Local and International NGOs (development and humanitarian, and peacebuilding)
• Humanitarian, development and peacebuilding Donors.
• UN Agencies.
• Independent Experts.
• PSG working groups.

Implementation and management of the assignment.
The assignment will be carried out by one external consultant who will be responsible for conducting all aspects of the work and delivering the stated outputs.
The Consortium secretariat will provide the consultant with assistance in arranging meetings and visits to the Consortium’s regional offices.
Overall management of the assignment will be the responsibility of the Consortium secretariat under the guidance of the Consortium’s Director in cooperation with the Consortium’s Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will be responsible for selection of the consultants to carry out the work and for reviewing and approving the assignments outputs.
The principal output will be a Somalia NGO Consortium position paper 15- 20 pages in length accompanied by an executive summary.
The study will include:
Part 1- Executive Summary
Part 2 – a summary of progress made on the New Deal Compact.
Part 3 – a summary analysis of areas of impact for NGOs.
Part 4 – a summary analysis of the role of NGOs/Civil Society in the National Development Plan.
Part 5– Conclusions and Recommendations
In addition, the Somalia NGO Consortium will organize validations workshops to discuss the preliminary findings of the study and to ensure buy in and ownership from Consortium members. A series of closed-door briefings for key stakeholders will also be organized.
The assignment will take place over the months of February-March 2016 with following tentative allocation of working days (either consecutively or divided into two periods):
Desk review: 4 days
Consultations in Nairobi: 4 days
Visits to regional offices (incl. travel): 4 days
Writing Inception Report: 4 days
Final Document: 3 days

Discussion with NGO Consortium members and incorporation of comments: 1 day

TOTAL: 20 days
Please send you application to the Senior Advocacy and Information Officer on or before the 25th February 2016 COB EAT.
• Letter of application
• CV of the consultant, detailing personal experience and knowledge of each area and three reliable references
• Writing samples, two to five pages long, of any relevant document produced
• Draft Work plan, with proposed starting date.
• Budget/Fees (all costs included)
