Consultant – African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)

The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC). AU-IBAR is mandated to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources (livestock, fisheries and wildlife) to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the Member State of the AU. AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the African Union Member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). AU-IBAR’s vision is of an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger. Founded in 1951 to study the epidemiological situation and fight rinderpest in Africa, AU-IBAR’s mandate covers all aspects of animal resources, including livestock, fisheries and wildlife, across the entire African continent and fills a unique and strategic niche by working at continental and regional levels, with the RECs being key partners.
Provision of quality and relevant education and training is well recognised as a necessary catalyst for the transformation of the Africa’s agricultural sector and it is in this context that in 2012, AU-IBAR published a report on “Veterinary Demographic Trends in Africa: Evaluation of Training Institutions and Future Employment Needs” (Kabasa, 2012). This followed detailed studies in the Northern, Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa regions conducted by Consultants commissioned by AU-IBAR. Under the Live2Africa Project, AU-IBAR has supported the establishment of the Association of African Veterinary Education Establishments (2A2EV) with the main objective of promoting the quality of veterinary education and research. The Association’s membership comprises of the Deans of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine from 72 Veterinary Education Establishments in Africa. AU-IBAR has also supported the establishment of the African Association of Veterinary Statutory Bodies (2VSB) whose mission is to promote the quality of veterinary education and training and the quality of veterinary practice. In view of the time that has elapsed since the 2012 study, recent developments in the Veterinary arena and changes in the different Member States, there is need to review and update the study on Veterinary Demographics in Africa. The findings will inform effective decision making among the key stakeholders in Veterinary Education and training and veterinary services delivery.
AU-IBAR seeks the services of four appropriately qualified Consultants to undertake the assignment.
Overall Objective of the Consultancy
To support decision making in the training of animal resources personnel, harmonisation of veterinary curricula and quality assurance in veterinary education and training.
Specific Objectives of the Consultancy
The specific objectives of this consultancy are to:
Update available information and data on the Veterinary Demographic trends in Africa and associated drivers;
Map animal resources institutions of higher learning the training offered and their research mandates and activities;
Identify regional similarities, specificities and comparative advantages in animal resources training and research;
Obtain an in-depth understanding of veterinary training curricula from a sample of 20 establishments (from the level of diploma – 2yrs) and required improvements, taking into account the developments in the veterinary arena since 2012 and the challenges and opportunities presented by the Agreement for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The recently developed Day 1 competencies for veterinarians within the African context will be one of the frameworks to inform the analysis.
Identify priority actions to inform a curriculum harmonisation framework
Identify priority actions to inform the development of quality assurance Framework for Africa VEEs
Identify priority actions to inform integration of veterinary training and research in Africa.
Prepare and present an inception report outlining the methodology for the study and a work plan.
Review the AU-IBAR report on “Veterinary Demographic Trends in Africa: Evaluation of Training Institutions and Future Employment Needs” (Kabasa, 2012)
Undertake a desk study/review of key stakeholders, institutions, global, continental and national frameworks and policies.
Preparation of data collection tools and their administration
Undertake field visits to selected Member States for the collection of appropriate information and detailed data analysis;
Identify gaps and opportunities for improvement of the report in the light of recent developments in the animal resources arena, regional and continental integration policy frameworks.
Prepare specific Research Outputs emanating from the study.
The final report from this Consultancy should include:
An updated mapping of animal resources higher learning institutions (from institutions offering 2-year diplomas and upwards) in Africa and the training offered including their staffing levels, facilities, student enrolment and graduation numbers and trends. The institutions should include:
Veterinary training institutions
Animal production training institutions including fisheries and wildlife
Assessment of training curricula highlighting major differences and similarities between institutions and regions
Quality assurance and accreditation systems and the status of accreditation of the institutions
Funding and the cost of training
Assessment of training policies, legal and regulatory frameworks and related institutions to guide the quality of training
Training in conflict and post conflict countries
Training needs vis a vis OIE standards, regional and pan-African integration policies
Outline of a framework for the continental harmonization/quality assurance and regulation of veterinary undergraduate curricula, with key stakeholders including public and private sector veterinary service providers, consumers of veterinary services in the different animal resources value chains, veterinary service regulators, university education regulators, education policy makers and the relevant legislators, Veterinary associations etc.
An assessment of regional and institutional similarities, specificities and differences as well as their comparative advantages in animal resources training.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables

The following are the expected outputs:
An inception report including the methodology and the work plan to undertake the tasks
Outline of a strategic framework for the continental harmonization, quality assurance and regulation of veterinary undergraduate diploma level curricula.
The final stage of the research will be the dissemination of the findings to appropriate audiences. The expert will work with AU-IBAR in utilizing Open access (publishing channels) to ensure that the outputs are freely made available online and also disseminated at exhibitions, such as university open days. The research outputs are expected to take the following forms:
A PowerPoint presentation to be made during the quality assurance stakeholders consultation workshop;
A working paper to be made available for comments/ feedback based on findings of mapping exercise.
A formal research report outlining the methodology, findings and recommendations
Synthesized research outputs for various audiences; namely a fact sheet; an information brief, curriculum booklet for dissemination to universities and included in several university prospectus, and a paper submission to a peer-reviewed journal.
A final report on the assignment including the updated study
Experts: Four technical experts working as a team will be engaged to undertake this assignment

The candidates must have a Masters in any field of Animal sciences. A PhD will be an added advantage.
General Professional Experience
Each of the experts must have proven experience in conducting and facilitating dialogue with animal resources education and research stakeholders.
Expert I: Team Leader: A Veterinary Education Specialist, preferably a professor from one of the African Universities, with at least 15 years’ experience in veterinary education and curriculum development in Africa.
Expert II: An Animal production Education Specialist preferably a professor from one of the African Universities, with at least 15 years’ experience in animal production education and curriculum development in Africa.
Expert III: A veterinary education regulatory and quality assurance specialist with at least 10 years’ experience in the regulation of veterinary education and practice.
Expert IV: A Knowledge Translation specialist, preferably with at least 10 years’ experience in science communication and copywriting, and experience in synthesizing results of research studies, sharing knowledge between research producers and users, putting research findings into practice, policy and/action, and packaging, communicating and disseminating research and education information products.
Specific Professional Experience
Familiarity with global continental and national quality assurance schemes and curriculum harmonisation mechanisms;
Knowledge and experience of initiatives towards veterinary curriculum harmonisation and quality assurance in Africa;
A clear understanding of global, continental and national players in quality assurance of veterinary education and training and existing quality assurance and harmonization frameworks.

Skills and Competencies
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Self-starter with the ability to strategically plan own work and to work independently, with minimum supervision, to high professional standards
Knowledge and experience of using participatory approaches
Language Requirement
Must be proficiency in Arabic, English, French or or Portuguese.
Gender Mainstreaming
The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Duty Stations
The consultants will be stationed in Nairobi with travel on specific assignments agreed with the AU-IBAR Management.

The duration of the assignment will 2 working months from 1st April 2020.The selected candidates should be available to undertake this assignment with minimum delay.
The total remuneration for this Consultancy is a fixed amount of USD 9,000 for each consultancy service. Expenses for missions will be covered separately in accordance with the applicable African Union Commission rules and regulations.
Evaluation Criteria
The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevant technical qualifications, experience and competence of the candidates and a Financial Bid/proposal.
Application Deadline
The deadline for submission of proposals is 27th March 2020, 17.00 hours, Nairobi Local Time.

Method of Application
Applications including a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be submitted through email to:
