Consultant – Japan Center for Conflict Prevention

The Scope of the Consultancy:
Business Information Workshop
The consultant will be required to;
Develop Information package andlecture material for 2 sessions, where each session is 1 day, covering topics as below:
Introduction to entrepreneurship
Idea generation
Preparing a business plan
Business Registration
Marketing and Customer service
Small business management
Basics of record keeping
Turning passion and talents to profit/businesses
Guides to low capital businesses
How to applying for government Tenders
How to apply for government loans
Mobilize at least three youth who have successfully started small businesses to attend the workshop and share their experience, knowledge and skills with other youth as well as be an inspiration to them.
Mobilize stakeholders in the youth empowerment sector in government and Non-government to attend the workshop and share how they are economically empowering the youth.
Career Guidance Seminar
The consultant will be required to;
Develop information package/lecture material for 2 sessions, where each session is 1 day, covering topics
as below:
An overview of the Job Market
Technical Training
Choosing a technical course
Future employment trends
Using technical skills for self-employment
The minimum requirement for different vocational courses
Available corporate and government sponsorships that youth should take advantage of to enroll for vocational courses
Timelines and financial obligations for various technical/vocational courses
Mobilize at least three youth who have successfully acquired a technical training and are these technical skills as a source of livelihood.
Mobilize stakeholders from the technical training sector e.g. colleges within Kamukunji and government departments in charge of technical training e.g. NITA
Deliverables and time frame

Time Frame
Business Information workshop
Entrepreneurship skills training material, information package/manual development (session 1)
5 days
Entrepreneurship skills training material, information package/manual development (session 2)
Facilitation (Sessions 1)
1 day
Facilitation (Session 2)
1 day
Material Preparation and activity reporting (Session 2)
4 days
Material Preparation and activity reporting (Session 1)
4 days
Mobilization of key stakeholders (Sessions 1)
2 days
Mobilization of key stakeholders (Session 2)
2 days
Career Guidance Seminar
Training/lecture material/manual development (Sessions 1)
5 days
Training/lecture material/manual development (Sessions 2)
5 days
Facilitation (Session 1)
1 day
Facilitation (Session 2)
1 day
Material preparation and activity reporting (Session 1)
4 days
Material preparation and activity reporting (Session 2)
4 days
Mobilization of key stakeholders (Sessions 1)
2 days
Mobilization of key stakeholders (Sessions 2)
2 days

4. Consultancy Payments
One installment amount shall be done upon successful completion and submission of a satisfactory report of each activity session to the client. The client will deduct a 5% withholding tax per installment payment for submission to KRA and issue the Consultant a certificate showing submission of deducted amount, and it shall remain the responsibility of the Consultant to pay VAT.

Required Experience
Good knowledge and understanding of career and business environment in Kenya in both formal and informal sectors
Experience in providing career and business trainings especially to youth
Good network and experience working with technical colleges, microfinance institutions and stakeholders in the youth empowerment sector.
Excellent communication and facilitation skills
Excellent reporting and suggestion skills and experience
Experience working in projects of preventing violent extremism is an added advantage

The interested consultant(s) should submit the following documents;
Tax compliance certificate
Company profile (in case of a company)
KRA Pin Number
Curriculum Vitae

Application Process
Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents for consideration:
Technical Proposal not exceeding 8 pages on:
Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
Time and activity schedule
Personal Capacity Statement
relevant experience related to the assignment (include samples of two most recent similar works and/or references for the same)
contacts of at least 3 organizations previously worked for
curriculum Vitae of the Consultant (s)

Method of Application
The expression of interest (both technical & financial proposal) clearly marked: “JCCP Business and Career seminar facilitation” in the subject line and addressed to “JCCP Tender Committee”. Send to:
Closing date for submission of proposals: 16th OCTOBER 2019, 4:00 PM.**
