We are a confederation of 20 Oxfam organizations (affiliates) and the Oxfam International Secretariat (OIS) working together in 67 countries. Oxfam has more than 5,000 staff members and nearly 50,000 interns/volunteers working across the world. All of Oxfam’s work is framed by our commitment to five broad rights-based aims:
the right to a sustainable livelihood
the right to basic social services
the right to life and security
the right to be heard
the right to an identity
Within the confederation structure, each affiliate remains independent, retaining its own executive director, board and stakeholders. The affiliates’ relationship within the confederation is governed by the Oxfam Constitution, Code of Conduct and Rules of Procedure, each affiliate is considered to be equal, with equal voting rights. All affiliates and the OI Secretariat work towards the One Oxfam Strategic Plan. All affiliates are expected to work within Oxfam agreements and signed-off strategies, but within this framework they have the flexibility to interpret and implement Oxfam policy in a manner appropriate to their own national context.
Pan Africa Program (PAP)
The program has a dual office location at the AU Liaison Office to The African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and at the OI Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.
The PAP’s operations began in 2003 as a single program affiliate and has since grown into a multiple affiliate supported program line managed by the OI secretariat and straddles both campaigns and program Directorates. The current strategy (2017-20) is delivered through promotion of active citizenship, sustainable agriculture and climate justice, extractives and financing for development, inclusive peace and security, effective national governance and the realisation and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and human rights including for women, and youth. PAP collaborates with social movements, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their coalitions, the African Union, international financial institutions, and governments to influence, popularise and push for the implementation of key international and continental policy standards, pledges, policies, laws, and human rights instruments.
Since 2017 the PAP strategy has been managed by Oxfam International (OI) with varying technical and financial support through a number of Oxfam affiliates including Oxfam Novib (ONL), Oxfam IBIS (Denmark), Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK), Oxfam America (OUS), Oxfam Australia (OAU) and Oxfam Great Britain (OGB). The program has retained positive relations and funding support for its programs from donors and agencies, including the Government of the Netherlands, DfID, SIDA, ADC, the Gates Foundation, UN Women, and UNDP among others. As the majority of funding has been received through restricted sources, this has resulted into far more operational and compliance requirements than was anticipated at the design of the program. These requirements have compromised the advocacy and influencing orientation and structure of the program in a way that was not originally envisaged.
Strategy Process
In April 2017 PAP commenced the implementation of the new Pan-Africa strategy – ‘People Power: Africa’s Future’ (2017-20), which seeks to support CSOs, governments and other stakeholders towards a self-reliant Africa that is democratic, peaceful, and responsive to the rights and development needs of its citizens. The current FY 2019/20 is the last year of implementation of the strategy. A light outcome review has been done. The review report gives an indication of how much of the strategy has been implemented, its impact and what lessons can be learnt.
The next PAP Strategy (2020-2022) is an iterative process that should lay strong emphasis on solid advocacy and influencing and enable PAP to become more and better connected with Regional Platforms, Country Programs, Affiliates, AU, Regional Economic Communities (RECS), CSOs and continental movements. To prepare for the new strategy several build-up activities have already taken place to generate new thinking and material for the strategy write up. These activities include:
The Global Strategy process (Strategic Framework now in draft)
The Rethinking Africa Conference that took place at the end of June 2019 (reports available) and Governance Group steer.
The Organisational Diagnostic report (report available) and PAP Governance Group steer.
The Outcome Review of the 2017-20 strategy (completed and report available)
Oxfam Regional Strategies of Southern Africa (SAF), West Africa (WAF), Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and Horn, East & Central Africa (HECA). This to be sourced.
Oxfam Global campaign review reports including EVEN it up, GROW, Rights In Crisis (RIC), ENOUGH (to be sourced)
The above documents/processes provide sufficient source material to guide the writing of the next PAP strategy which will need to be done with close consultation and input from Oxfam Regional Platforms and country teams in Africa, Affiliates and OI Global program and Campaign teams and of course Oxfam Pan Africa program team.
Specific Activities and Steps
During the consultancy period, it is envisioned that the Strategy writer/consultant will work closely with the PAP Director, with support from the OI Global Advocacy and Campaigns team, Affiliate Advocacy Leads and, Country and Regional Advocacy and Campaigns Leads (WAF, HECA, SAF and MENA), and PAP thematic leads to undertake the following tasks:
Analysis and Harmonization of Outcomes: Analyse and harmonize key outcomes from all the documents/reports informing the Strategy write up as listed above. Develop key messages from these outcomes;
Alignment with Global Strategy: Identify key topics aligned to current/ongoing Global Strategy Process, including emerging political and economic dynamics in the continent, that enhance PAP’s ability to influence policy change in the current and foreseeable socio-economic environment (integral to this is enabling PAP to play a greater convening role and to provide thought leadership and work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders within and outside the Africa Region);
Joint Visioning Session: Organize and lead a 2-3-day stakeholder session to develop and agree on broad advocacy and influencing topics/issues for the next 3 years that feed from and into the OI Global Strategy framework. The joint visioning session will bring together PAP staff, OI Global Advocacy and Campaign team, Key Partner Affiliates, Regional and Country teams and strategic partners among others;
Strategy Drafting: Following the Joint Visioning session, write a final draft Strategy taking into account ongoing additional/new inputs from participants. Work with a small team drawn from PAP, Global Advocacy and Campaigns, Affiliates, Regions and Countries to produce a final draft;
PAP GG Presentation and Sign off: The consultant may be requested to co-present the Final Draft Strategy to PAP Governance Group+ and OI management for review and sign off.
Key Deliverables
The expected results of this consultancy, which will be fine-tuned in consultation with the Consultant, are:
Synthesized Summary of key messages/outcomes from various pieces of work already carried out in different PAP documents.
Joint Vision Session Agenda articulating specific activities, outcomes and milestones anticipated from the session;
Draft PAP Strategy 2020-2022 outlining specific advocacy and influencing themes and activities, and key enablers, over the next 3 years. The language and tone of the strategy must lead from OI strategy framework and will be aligned to Oxfam guidelines.
Consultant Requirements and Timeline
Extensive experience in strategy development consultancy work in civil society and international development sector
Knowledge of the Oxfam Confederation or a similar set up, Regional Platforms, including Oxfam’s work in Africa would be desirable
Good understanding and experience of media, communications, advocacy and influencing work particularly in Africa.
Knowledge and a nuanced understanding of the workings of the AU and other continental bodies and current development and political discourse in Africa. Also, an understanding of the character of the African state.
Experience with developing and operationalising gender commitments and application of feminist leadership principles.
Excellent communications skills including English language skills and report writing
Excellent teamwork and influencing skills at a high level
Exposure/experience of working at continental/regional level and/or global level (desirable)
Ability to work under pressure, lead team through anxiety while maintaining a sense of humour and good team spirit
Lived experience of the African continent.
The consultancy is anticipated to have a duration of 35 days over a 3-4-month period (March – June 2020) and which is negotiable depending on needs and subject to mutual agreement. The schedule for contract workdays and any additional workdays will be agreed with the PAP Programme Director on a case by case basis.
Project Team
Reporting to:
PAP Programme Director
Working Closely With:
Head of Advocacy and Campaigns, PAP Thematic/Functional Leads, Global Advocacy and Campaigns, Regional and Country Teams.
Method of Application
Applications (in English) should be sent by email and should contain the following elements:
A cover letter outlining motivation and summarizing relevant experience.
Curriculum Vitae with full description of the applicant’s experience.
Contact details for at least two independent referees with in-depth and proven knowledge of the applicant’s expertise and relevant work experience
Send applications through e-mail to the by 1700HRS EAT 20thMarch 2020.
Please indicate in e-mail subject “Consultancy _Writing PAP Strategy”.