Consultant – Solidaridad

The Food for All (F4APK), is a five-year food security project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Netherlands. The project targets to reach 48,500 smallholder farmers in Meru, Makueni, Embu, Machakos and Tharaka Nithi Counties in the Eastern Region of Kenya, with the overall goal of ‘Improving the livelihoods and resilience of 48,500 households, through improving access and availability of good food and livestock products, thereby reducing food and Nutrition insecurity in Eastern region of Kenya’. The project targets at generating increased growth of incomes and engender private sector partnerships with farmer enterprises that will enhance community resilience. The project works to improve local and regional qualitative, good and affordable food and nutrition by improving production and consumption of high value vegetables and livestock products. The project will also work towards improving market efficiency and sustainability of food chains for national, regional and international markets; and thirdly, inclusive business which will impact on low income groups, both employees, producers, labor and entrepreneurs. These will form the basis for the diversification of livelihoods, incomes and increased access and consumption of quality good foods and nutrition for the farmers in the target project areas and consumers.

Project Goal: The overall goal of the project is ‘Improving the livelihoods and resilience of 48,500 households, through improving access and availability of good food and livestock products, thereby reducing food and Nutrition insecurity in Eastern region of Kenya’.
I. Objective 1: Improve production and productivity of high value vegetables and dairy products in the Eastern region of Kenya.
Outcome 1: 48,500 (55 percent Women and 10 percent Youth) smallholder farmers in the Eastern region of Kenya have improved both crop and dairy productivity by 60%, as a result of project intervention addressing both local and global food and nutrition security.

II. Objective 2: Increase access to markets for smallholders’ high value vegetables and dairy produce.
Outcome 2: Market access and linkages improved, providing connections to 48,500 smallholder farmers leading to stable and transparent local, regional and international supply chains, which will lead to increased sales to both local, regional and international market.
III. Objective 3: Improve partnership, collaboration and capacity of sustainable producer marketing groups.
Outcome 3: Strong farmer institutions have been built through improved organizational capacity and business skills and are able to sustainably manage production and marketing Value chains.

F4APK business cases offer exciting opportunities for dairy and horticulture sub-sectors’ development by promoting inclusivity of small-scale commercial farmers, involvement of entrepreneurial women & youth and creating sustainable linkages with private sector companies. The business cases are expected to be economically viable, innovative and scalable. The three business cases in the project are:
1. The Dairy Business case
Establishing 5 Dairy hub plants with a capacity to handle 10,000litres of milk per day, to facilitate milk aggregation. Milk chilling and value addition into products such as yoghurt & fermented milk is promoted. The hubs are linked to major milk processors in Kenya for purchase of surplus milk. Through the hubs, dairy farmers’ capacity on governance, fodder production and business management is enhanced through training. High yielding nutritious fodder varieties are introduced. The hubs are linked to animal production technicians who offer veterinary and AI services.
2. Nursery Business case
Establishing of 10 tissue culture banana nurseries and 15 vegetable and fruit nurseries with women and youth groups. The project is working with 200 women in establishment and management of 10 tissue culture hardening nurseries, with an output of 120,000 seedlings per year. For vegetable and fruit seedlings, the project is working with 300 youths in establishment of 15 seedling nurseries, with an output of 900,000 seedlings per year. The youth and women have been trained on seedling raising, crop nutrition and nursery management. The nurseries are sustainable commercial entities supplying quality seedlings to neighboring farmers.
3. Processing business case
Sourcing of fine beans for canning for the export market and other fruits and vegetables for the domestic market through an out-grower farmer model. The business case is working towards increasing returns from horticulture products by capacity building farmer groups on good agricultural practices, product certification (Global GAP) and processing of vegetables for export in partnership with Meru Greens Horticulture through their canning factory at EPZ Kitengela. This business case is working with 38,500 horticulture farmers.
More details about the Food for All Project and the 3 business cases can be found in the project document accessed through this link:…

The objective of this consultancy is to undertake an in-depth evaluation of the 3 business cases in the F4APK. The businesses cases in this project offer opportunities in both the dairy and the horticulture sector. Five cooperatives in the dairy sector, one value adding horticulture SME and youth groups are major partners in the business cases with different roles in the value chains. This evaluation is informed by the need to know the impact, viability and potential for scaling up of the business cases in the project, potential avenues of improvement along the value chains and commercial sustainability.
The results stemming out of this assessment will be used as input for the final project evaluation study (to be done later) and for the end of programme documentation. Solidaridad is therefore looking for a trustworthy, experienced, and reliable consultancy firm or individual to collect the data needed, analyze and interpret the data to provide insight for improvement and give recommendations for scale up and scale up pathways. The assessment will consist of sample interviews with farmer beneficiaries (if necessary), business partners, and Food for All project staff in Kenya who participated in the programme; and analyzing the data and clearly communicating the impact and lessons learnt.

Solidaridad expects the consultant to perform the following activities through expert interviews with stakeholders and beneficiary consultation. The assignment should focus on the selected cooperatives among the 5 dairy hubs working with the project, youth and women groups in the nursery business case and Meru Greens in the following context:
Evidence of impact and availability of tangible supporting structures that support sustainability and scalability of the business cases
Presence of key players in the value chains and their roles in relation to enhancing business cases.
Elaborate evaluation of the process, outcome and summative evaluation of the business cases from selected farmers to the end of the value chain.
Evaluation of marketing capacity, market sizes specific to the business cases in this project.
Current engagements and potential opportunities of accessing finance for scale-up of the business cases.
Recommendations on the way forward. This should include but not limited to quality production, branding and packaging to enhance their market competitiveness, productivity, youth and women involvement in the businesses. A separate set of recommendations should be clearly outlined for each of the 3 business cases.
Produce a well written evaluation report capturing the above mentioned tasks.
The consultant is requested to use all or one among the many evaluation methodologies which may be useful in bringing out the desired objectives of the study. Participatory methods shall be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The methodologies may include, but not limited to:
Literature review of existing documents and records including the project proposal and other documents, annual and quarterly reports, monitoring and evaluation reports
Key informant interviews with project management team and focused group discussions with key project stakeholders and partners
Survey using questionnaires on selected sample beneficiaries
Review of records of selected SMEs in the business cases.
The methodology should capture the process, outcome and summative components of the business cases.
The final methodology to be adopted shall be discussed and agreed with consultants/firm during the inception meeting.

The key deliverables are:
An expression of interest (EOI) for the study, outlining the proposed methodology and process of data collection and analysis that specifies:
Proposed methodology for implementation of the study, including sample sizes.
A detailed timeline for the study
Inception report based on the work plan and EOI:
Detailed methodology and evaluation matrix
Draft data collection tools for all indicators to be measured in the study, standard indicators definitions agreed by the project should be used to develop data collection tools.
Presentation of methodology to Solidaridad team in an inception meeting and incorporate suggestions provided.
Draft report of the study for the feedback and comments of Solidaridad and partners involved.
Presentation on the main findings of the study to Solidaridad team and partners.
A detailed final report, including but not limited to:
Document showing the true assessment and value judgment of the different business cases
Clear recommendations on potential scale up pathways for each of the 3 business cases
A List and contact information of relevant potential business partners (if any) for each of the business cases
Identified specific business support pillars in respect to each business case.
Datasets: The consultant shall submit all datasets, cleaned & raw, transcription or audio files during focus group discussions, KI, scripts for data analysis and any form of data captured during the implementation of this assignment.
The findings of each business case regarding their KPIs, the evidence of scalability and sustainability. The findings must also include:
The problem the intervention sought to solve
The business case (solution) developed
Partners involved and their roles
Lessons learned
Key Success Factors
Investment by the programme and partners

Ensure sufficient number of qualified enumerators collecting the data
Provide contact information for samples to interview.
Provide effective research methods for data collection.
Provide guidance and feedback on data collection methods.
Ensure data is collected within time, according to sampling and data collection methods guidance
Provide support documents and facilitate key in depth interviews with Solidaridad staff and key informants of partners.
Flag data quality and collection issues with Solidaridad as soon as possible
Provide a list of key informants to interview with sufficient time.
Provide a budget for logistics to carry out data collection (ie. Transport, meals, etc.) With sufficient time for revision.
Abide by the timeline shown below, providing all necessary support on time.
Abide by the timeline shown below, providing all deliverables on time, and as they are described.

Solidaridad is looking for an evaluation firm or consultant experienced in qualitative and quantitative research, and writing high quality reports. The team conducting the evaluation should have experience conducting research on scalability and sustainability of development programme interventions, more specifically business cases. The successful applicant will propose a team that can provide adequate experience to conduct the assessment and that meets the following requirements:
Advanced degree (masters) in the area of agriculture, economics, agri-business development, social sciences or other related disciplines;
At least five years of proven experience in leading and conducting similar exercises in Africa;
Demonstrated experience in both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis; including survey design, implementation of surveys and statistical data analysis and the use of participatory appraisal techniques in data collection and analysis.
Ability to interpret and analyze complex qualitative and quantitative data and to present findings and recommendations in a clear and concise way;
Strong expertise in food security, livelihood approaches and value chains (horticulture and dairy);
Knowledge and sensitivity to political and social context of Kenyan context is an asset;
Excellent inter-cultural and interpersonal communication skills, including coordination, facilitation and presentation;
Strong analytical and report writing skills (in English);
Good understanding of Public Private Partnerships;
Experience of working closely with government, private sector counterparts, NGOs (funding partners);

Selection criteria
Experience with smallholder dairy and horticulture value chain development (SMEs)
Experience in private sector/market system development (access to markets and finance)
Experience with agri-SME development
Experience in Kenya / East Africa/ Africa
Experience in program evaluation, especially with qualitative data collection
Understanding the assignment
Feedback on ToR
Proposed approach and work plan
Clarity on roles and responsibilities in team
Clarity & adequacy of work schedule
Budget Proposition
Budget for assignment submitted

Method of Application
Interested parties should submit a work plan and budget proposal by CoB November 18th, 2019.
o Budget proposals should include logistics costs (transport, communications, and accommodation)
Decision of selected consultant will be done by November 22, 2019. Consider your application unsuccessful if you will not get feedback by 27th November 2019.
Inception meeting and report submitted by December 2, 2019 the latest.
Food for All team will provide all contact information for samples and key informants to by December 6, 2019 the latest.
Interviews should be carried out during the months of December 2019 and January 2020.
All reports should be submitted during the first week of February 2020 the latest.
For this assignment, you are required to propose a budget including all travel and accommodation, expertise and stationery expenses. You are also required to provide for taxation in your budget. Please provide a justifiable budget for the assignment to be carried out within proposed timelines.
Deliver your hard copy applications in an envelope clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS CASE ASSESSMENT FOR FOOD FOR ALL PROJECT” to:
SOLIDARIDAD Eastern & Central Africa Expertise Centre
Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,
P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO, Nairobi
