Director, Institute of Security, Justice and Ethics – Mount Kenya University

Job Details
Developing competencies through training research, consultancy and outreach programmes towards the realization of sustainable security and just governance
In collaboration with academic organs of the university, develop training and academic programmes in justice, security and ethics.
Developing and spearheading socially and technically relevant research in justice, security and ethics.
Forging local and international partnerships in addressing challenges of justice, security and ethics.
Developing and coordinating competencies for consultancy in justice, security and ethics.
Coordinating community outreach programmes towards security and peace.
Performing administrative duties in the Institute.
Serving as Chairman of the Institute board.
Serving as chief examinations officer in the institute.
Making recommendations with respect to student selection and admission.
Taking general responsibility for all matters concerning the institute’s budgets, syllabus selection, student issues, teaching and learning.
Promoting and fostering academic and professional development of academic staff.
Providing leadership in the development, organization and delivery of curriculum.
Promoting and fostering research in the Institute.
Promoting and maintaining quality assurance learning based on the University’s Academic Quality Assurance framework.
Ensuring that necessary learning and teaching materials and other academic resources and facilities are available.
Promoting a conducive academic environment in the school.
Organizing public lecturers, seminars, workshops and conferences
Minimum requirements
An earned PhD or equivalent degree qualification in any of the following area of specialization from an accredited and recognized University;
Governance and Ethics
Security Studies
Law Enforcement
Public Administration
A Master’s degree in any of the following area of specialization from an accredited and recognized University; with at least three (3) of years teaching experience at University level;
Governance and Ethics
Security Studies
Law Enforcement
Public Administration

Method of Application
Each application should be accompanied with an up to date and detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Applications should be addressed to;
The Human Resource Director,
Mount Kenya University,
Main Campus, General Kago Road,
P.O. Box 342-01000.
Thika, Kenya.

Electronic applications can be sent in PDF format by email to
Applications must be submitted on or before 2nd December, 2019
