Documentation And Communication Consultant – Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany

Effective Date:
20th September 2017

A. Introduction
VSF Germany is an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. In the region, VSF Germany implements activities in Southern Sudan, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia. We Focus on Livestock, food security and Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management, Peace and Conflict, Good governance, Disasters & Emergency, and Agriculture.

VSF Germany through EU funding kitty of strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience (SHARE KENYA) is implementing a project titled as ‘Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience-CAIDRR’ with an Overarching objective ‘To contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought’. As part of the project components, VSF Germany and its partners are implementing project components organized around five main thematic areas namely economic and livelihood resource improvement; alternative livelihoods, household food security and attitude change; social and educational services; improved livestock production and early warning in livestock disease surveillance; and increased socio-ecological resilience and drought response. The CAIDRR process targets over 15 communities in Saku and Laisamis sub-counties with VSFG, CIFA and WRF implementing various activities under the highlighted thematic areas through participatory processes. A team of communication experts with relevant experience is required to document evidence of change in activities within the identified thematic areas. These activities are broadly listed as follows;

1. Economic and livelihood resource improvement:
• Livestock marketing,
• Support to fisheries activities and fish value chain,
• Village Community Banking (VICOBA)– improved access to financial services and savings at village level.
1. Alternative livelihoods, household food security and attitude change:
• Agroforestry/ Afforestation,
• Poultry production,
• Dry land farming,
• Tree nursery and vegetable production,
• Pastoral Field Schools (PFS) Approach.
1. Social and Educational services:
• WASH activities in schools,
• Water access to communities in Loiyangalani,
1. Improved livestock production and early warning in livestock disease surveillance:
• Participatory Disease Surveillance, disease investigations and linkage to pastoral communities through Community Disease Reporters.
Increased socio-ecological resilience and improved drought response:
• Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR),
• Holistic Natural Resource Management through Environmental Management Committees (HNRM),
• Early Warning Systems (EWS) through school ambassadors clubs,
• Loiyangalani Oasis reconstruction.

B. Scope of work:
B.1: Review project documents
The consultant is expected to review available documents on the project to get back ground information and deep understanding of the project.
B2. Methodology of carrying out the task .
The consultant will be required to develop clear methodology and tools that will be used to carry out the task. Such methodologies should clearly show how various stakeholders will be involved as well as the tools to be used in generating the evidence of change sought by the study.
B3. Collection and documentation of evidence of change:
The lead consultant will take charge of the exercise by a team of experts in the six thematic components of the project. The work will be done in collaboration with VSFG, CIFA and WRF field staff, government authorities and departments, community groups and community leaders to collect and document evidence of change attributed to the project and stories of change in the project areas.
• With help from VSFG and CIFA field staff, conduct field visits to project locations and collect evidence of change for each of the key activities listed under the five thematic areas of focus.
• Document stories of change from the evidence collected from the thematic activities.
• Present the first initial draft of documented stories to VSF Germany, CIFA and WRF.
B4. Publication of innovative approaches.
The consultant will use the achievements of the project and evidence of change to publicize the project outcome.
Such publications will be inform of newsletters, brochure and soft copies that can be shared with stakeholders to show case on the project.
B.5: Validation workshop with project partners.
The team of consultants makes a presentation of their findings on evidence of change due to the project implementation to project partners and stakeholders at a joint workshop. The purpose will be to enable the partners have opportunity validate the evidence and stories of change documented by the consultants.
• The work shop will be organized by VSFG and partners in the project area..
• Finalize the validated stories and present the final product to VSF Germany, CIFA, and WRF.
C. Qualifications, Skills and experience
• At least Bachelors Degree in Natural Resources Management, Animal Production, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Education ,Disaster Risk Management, Social Science and /or Food Security or relevant course.
• At least 5 years’ experience in assessing and documenting evidence of change in an integrated resilience building programme.
• At least 5 years’ experience in assessing and documenting evidence of change in ASAL ecosystems particularly in Northern Kenya.
• Proven experience assessing outcomes of programmes in rural areas focusing on disaster risk reduction, education, livestock production and natural resource management.
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work well in a team with minimum supervision.
• Good oral and written reporting skills are essential with good command of English language.
• Ability to work in remote rural locations and travel extensively within project areas.
• Experience of undertaking similar assignments under an INGO will be an added advantage
D. Deliverables
i. A draft of documented comprehensive evidence of change (both positive and/or negative) and innovative approaches in six key thematic components of the project within 15 days of the assignment. The draft will be submitted in ONE soft copy only.
ii. Documented at least 12 stories from beneficiaries, stakeholders and project staff obtained through interviews, observations, photos and reviews of project reports.
iii. A final report in form of a booklet containing comprehensive changes with evidence and innovative approaches in the 6 thematic components of the project.
iv. A folder of photos taken during the assessemnt of evidence of change in electronic form (CD).
v. Three (3) hard copies of the report bound in booklet form printed in colour of high resolution and 3 soft copies of the report.
vi. A final copy of A4 sized brochure highlighting achievements and results from each of the project thematic components (not more than 2 pages).

E. Work environment:
• Within Marsabit county (Saku and Laisamis),
• Travel required to activity Locations: 100% field based.
G. Time schedule:
The task will be carried out for 25 days and submission of final report must be not later than 30 days from date of signing the contract.
Any changes the proposed time frame should be mutually agreed between the contracting authority and consultant. However, any adjustments should ensure that the work is completed within the stipulated period of time and shall not give rise to increase in the fee to be paid for the agreed task as per this ToR.
H. Assistance to the consultants by the contracting authority.
VSF Germany, CIFA and WRF will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultants:
i. Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, existing designs data that may be required by the consultants and is at their disposal;
ii. Allow use of office space in the field and /or Nairobi as necessary;
iii. Provide transport to the consultant to and from the field and while working in the field;
iv. Arrange for various meetings in the field with stakeholders (Consultants to make advance request);
v. Provide field staff to guide the consultant to the target communities and support community meetings.
vi. Consortium partners will provide transport, meals and accommodation to the consultants based on individual partners’ policies and donor guidelines. Where possible, the consultants will be accommodated at partners’ field bases.
vii. Consultant will be required to organize his/her own medical cover during this assignment; computer and soft wares, Camera that will enable him/her effectively and efficiently perform tasks..
I. Payment to the consultant.
• First: installment: the Consultant will be paid 40% of the quoted amount after submission of the interim report.
• Final installment: 60% of the amount agreed in the contract shall be paid upon completion of work and the acceptance of the final report and any other documents pertaining to this assignment.
• Consultant shall be required to provide original invoice to facilitate processing of payment.
• The payments will be made in A/C payee in form of cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant or firm named in the contract. VSF Germany will deduct with-holding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSFG operations and it will be deposited directly to custodian of such tax.
• No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.
J. What the consultant will provide:
•A team of experts in the six thematic components of the project with pre-requisite experience in documenting evidence based project outcomes and stories from beneficiaries/stakeholders.
•Organize his/her own medical cover during this assignment; computer and any soft-wares including Camera that will enable him/her perform the task.

How to apply
Interested consultant/firms are requested to submit both technical and financial proposals not later than Friday 15th, September 2017. The proposals should be sent by e-mail on:, with ‘SHARE Project- Assessment and Documentation of Evidence of Change and publication of innovative approaches” as the email subject and addressed to the Head of HR and Admin, VSF Germany. P. O. Box 25653-00603, Nairobi Kenya.
