Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative – Nairobi – Biovision Africa Trust

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) on behalf of the Continental Steering Committee wish to commission a Mid Term Review of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa.

The Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative is an African Union-led continental undertaking currently implemented in eight countries (Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda) under the management and coordination of BvAT and PELUM Kenya.

The initiative is implemented under the guidance and oversight of the AU chaired Continental Steering Committee (CSC).

The detailed Terms of Reference for this consultancy can be accessed at under Media>News and Announcement.

The assignment will be undertaken between January and March 2016.

Interested candidates are expected to submit the following;
a) Technical proposal indicating a clear understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology and tools for conducting the assignment and work plan.
b) Financial proposal showing the total cost of conducting the assignment and breakdown of consultancy costs (including man days for each team member), travel and other costs associated to this assignment.
c) At least one report of a similar assignment conducted in the past three years.
d) Detailed curriculum vitae of the consultant(s) to be involved in the assignment, with university certificates and relevant supporting documents.
e) Names and contacts of three referees (phone numbers and email).
f) A one-page write-up showing why applicants consider themselves the most suitable for the consultancy.

Deadline for receiving applications is 31 December 2015.

Electronic copies can be sent to with the subject heading: Consultancy for Midterm Review of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative.
