CEFA – European Committee for Training and Agriculture – is an Italian non-governmental organization established in 1972 and active in 11 countries in Africa, Latin America and Europe. CEFA is founded on the principles of solidarity and cooperation among the different regions of the world in the name of justice, human rights and peace. CEFA Kenya’s sustainable development strategy envisions four pillars: economic prosperity; social inclusion and cohesion; environmental sustainability and good governance. The main thematic areas are child protection; art and culture; human rights; resilience and food security.
Since 2006, CEFA has implemented several projects on structural reforms within criminal and juvenile justice systems in Kenya. This includes contribution to creating reform institutional structures, piloting new approaches in case management and structured capacity building initiatives. Through this experience of consolidated practice, skills enhancement and collaborative reforms implementation, CEFA has managed to influence policy and practice within several GOK agency.
In September 2014, CEFA began a 24 month EU funded project to strengthening human rights within correctional facilities in Kenya being undertaken in 15 prisons and 5 probation hostels. The project has three main pillars: – Capacity building for Human Rights Defenders working for criminal justice GoK agencies; Collaborative development of Early Warning System for KPS through practical implementation and internal compliance monitoring of UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners – UNSMR (Mandela Rules); and Improvement of Legal Framework. The project was implemented in partnership with Legal Resources Foundation, Fr. Grol Welfare Trust, Faraja Trust and 2 GoK agencies – Kenya Prison Service (KPS) and Department of Probation and Aftercare Services.
As part an EU-funded project, CEFA has committed to an external evaluation of the project which will measure the effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The evaluation will be based on data already collected, field visits, interviews, desk reviews and stakeholder engagement. The evaluation will cover the accomplishment of all the expected results as outlined in the project key documents.The results of the evaluation will be used to inform learning, strategy and inform future programming. The evaluation will focus in the three target counties in Kenya- as guided by specific strategic plans. The intended users of the evaluation are CEFA, the relevant GoK agencies and the EU delegation.
There are 3 specific objectives for the project evaluation:
1. To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project and the extent to which it has achieved planned outcomes and objectives. (Analyse the reasons for deviations from the project objectives and outcomes)
2. To analyze the project’s impact and the extent to which the project validates CEFA’s contribution to creating institutional reform structures, piloting new approaches in case management and capacity building initiatives.
3. To identify sustainability, best practices and highlight how the programme could be replicated within correctional facilities.
1. Relevance of project to operational context, ongoing reform initiatives within correctional services sector, legal and policy landscape, civil society synergy and networking on key issues. (2-3 pages)
2. Effectiveness:
Was the project effective in delivering desired/planned results?
• To what extent did the Project’s M&E mechanism contribute in meeting project results? – How effective were the strategies and tools used in the implementation of the project? Inclusiveness and participatory approach to identify target institutions, gender, geographic location, activity coordination and collaborations? What wider effects (beyond its objectives) has the project had – intended or unintended? Positive or negative? What impact has the action made on target groups and beneficiaries? – How effective has the project been in responding to the needs of the beneficiaries, and what results were achieved? – What are the future intervention strategies and issues? (5-6 pages)
• Efficiency and Quality:
Was the process of achieving results efficient? Specifically did the actual or expected results (outputs and outcomes) justify the costs incurred? Were the resources effectively utilized? Did project activities overlap and duplicate other similar interventions (funded nationally and /or by other donors? Are there more efficient ways and means of delivering more and better results (outputs and outcomes) with the available inputs? – Could a different approach have produced better results? 3 – How was the project’s collaboration with the national institutions, development partners, and the EU – How efficient were the management and accountability structures of the project? – How did the project financial management processes and procedures affect project implementation? – What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project’s implementation process? (5-6 pages)
1. Sustainability:
To what extent are the benefits of the projects likely to be sustained after the completion of this project? – What is the likelihood of continuation and sustainability of project outcomes and benefits after completion of the project? – How effective were the exit strategies, and approaches to phase out assistance provided by the project including contributing factors and constraints – Describe key factors that will require attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of Project outcomes and the potential for replication of the approach? – How were capacities strengthened at the individual and organizational level (including contributing factors and constraints)? (5- 6 pages)
1. Lessons learnt: – Describe the main lessons that have emerged? Identification of major factors influencing the achievement or non -achievement of the objectives. (2-3 pages)
2. Recommendations – What are the recommendations for CEFA under similar support in future? How can reforms focussed project could increase its impact and sustainability? (2 -3 pages)
The Project Coordinator shall guide and oversee the overall direction of the consultancy.
The evaluation will provide quantitative and qualitative data through the following methods:
1. Desk study and review of all relevant project documentation including project documents, annual work-plans, project progress reports, annual project reports, reports of the project partners etc
2. In depth interviews to gather primary data from project partners using a structured methodology
3. Focus Group discussion with project beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
4. Interviews with relevant key informants representing state correctional services providers.
5. Observations (field visits to a few select locations)
The following are the key deliverables for the evaluation process;
A. Detailed evaluation framework/design and implementation plan agreed with the CEFA Kenya Country office.
B. Data collection tools.
C. Draft evaluation report.
D. Final evaluation report.
• Report Structure
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• The Evaluated Intervention Findings
• Evaluation Conclusions
• Lessons Learned
• Recommendations
E. Annexes
F. Three hard copies of the final report and a soft copy in CD-ROM to CEFA office
The evaluation is expected to start on 14th November 2016 for an estimated duration of 21working days. It will be concluded with the delivery of the final evaluation report on or before 22nd December 2016.
The evaluation consultant should meet the following requirements:
1. Graduate qualification (Masters or above is desirable) in Social Sciences or in a discipline relevant to this assignment with a minimum of 5 years’ experience.
2. Experience in the evaluation of technical assistance projects, preferably EU funded projects, particularly other similar projects under the same portfolio.
3. Knowledge of the Kenya criminal justice system and how it functions is desirable.
4. Evidence of evaluation of similar projects.
5. Competence and adequate experience in the use of qualitative and/or quantitative methods of data collection and analysis including: sampling, desegregation of data, structured and semi-structured interviewing, focus groups, observation and triangulation research methods.
6. Ability to interpret and analyse qualitative and quantitative data, and to present findings and recommendations in a clear and concise way.
7. High quality writing skills (in plain English)
8. Excellent inter-personal communication skills including experience of facilitation and presentation.
9. Ability to work equally well with persons of diverse situations, communities and international organisations.
10. Knowledge and sensitivity to political and social contexts of Kenya communities.
CEFA will supervise the process. Specifically, the consultant will report to the CEFA Project Coordinator. The consultant will be expected to work closely with, and interact on a continuous basis with CEFA.
• Logistics: CEFA will not cover the cost of the consultant’s travel to the field and back, food, and accommodation.
• Professional fee: Though the interested consultants are expected to provide a budget for the exercise, CEFA will consider proposals that are within the approved rates as per its policy on professional fees.
• Tax: Professional fees will be subject to mandatory deduction of 5% withholding tax for a resident consultant to be forwarded to the Kenya Revenue Authority.
• Insurance: The consultant shall be responsible for providing their own medical insurance..
• Code of conduct: Because CEFA’s work is based on deeply held values and principles, it is essential that our commitment to humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff. CEFA’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to. The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of CEFA’s Code of Conducts.
• A contract will be signed by the evaluator upon commencement of the evaluation which will detail additional terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.
• The Consultant should also use his/her own computer.
All expressions of interest should include:
• Cover letter: A short (maximum two pages) letter addressing the evaluation criteria.
• Technical Proposal (maximum eight pages) highlighting: brief explanation about the
Consultant/s with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work; profile of the Consultant/s to be involved in undertaking the evaluation; proposed tools, evaluation design to be described; understanding of the TOR, the task to be accomplished as well as draft evaluation framework and plan.
• Financial Proposal:** The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees related to the consultant and/or associate consultant who will take part in the evaluation of the project, accommodation and living costs; transport cost, stationeries, and supplies needed for data collection and data processing costs.
Please submit completed expressions of interest with all supporting information to
vacancies_kenya@cefakenya.com by close of business on 24 October 2016.
Short-listed candidates will be invited to interview during the week beginning 1-4 November 2016.