Kasei Community Resilience Project – Nairobi – Kenya Red Cross

The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is a humanitarian relief organization created by an Act of Parliament, Cap 256 of the Laws of Kenya on 21st December 1965. It’s vision is to be the most effective, trusted and self-sustaining humanitarian organization in Kenya.

The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) with funding from the British Red Cross are in the process of implementing a community resilience project to be implemented in Turkana South and West Pokot as from July 2015 – June 2017 .The project has a focus on Food Security and Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation and Enhancing Disaster Preparedness and Response in Communities.

KRCS is currently seeking consulting services of experienced firms for a Baseline Survey for the Community Resilience Project to the impact of Disasters. The primary purpose of the baseline study is to describe the current food security, water, sanitation & hygiene situation, determine disaster management knowledge of targeted households (direct livelihoods beneficaries) within the target communities; and as well as to determine knowledge and capacity on disaster management within the targeted community disaster management groups from targeted communities in Kainuk Division in Turkana south and Kasei and Turkwell division in West Pokot. The Baseline Survey will provide benchmark statistics against the programme indicators from these ‘sub-populations’, against which programme impact will be gauged.

Detailed Terms Of Reference for the consultancy services should be downloaded atKenya Red Cross Society Website;

Submission of proposal
The Proposal should be addressed as below to reach the under signed by Wednesday the 18th of November 2015 at 11:00 am:
Bidders should provide a technical and financial proposal in Two separate envelopes clearly marked“Technical Proposal”*and “Financial Proposal”* and sealed in one plain envelope clearly marked“Tender PREQ03984 for Call for Consultancy for Baseline Survey for Kainuk and Kasei Community Resilience Project”
All consultants or their representatives are requested to attend the Technical proposal opening on Wednesday 18th November 2015 at 12:00 noon at the Kenya Red Cross Headquarter.
Proposal No.PREQ03984

Call for Consultancy for Baseline Survey for Kainuk and Kasei Community Resilience Project.
Tender Committee
Kenya Red Cross Society
P.O Box 40712 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
