You will be in charge of
Contribute to improve logistics processes in country
Contribute to maintain the national supplier database up-to-date & to nourish it from existing contracts, as well as market surveys;
Contribute to improve the reliability of the order follow-up, and its dissemination amongst operational teams;
Support major procurement campaigns by providing offers pre-analysis, drafting documentation such as procurement memos & contracts if needed, deploying operational plans under the CLM supervision;
Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of procurement documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (tender documents, contracts, quotations, etc.);
Review & strengthen the Monthly Procurement follow-up, under the CLM supervision, with logistics & program teams.
Stocks & deliveries
Support transportation means review, and handle market survey if needed under the CLM supervision;
Support the logistics staff capacity building toward stocks & deliveries documents, tools & processes;
Support the periodic inventories, and clear stock discrepancies in a documented manner;
Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of stocks & deliveries documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (stock reception vouchers, stocks cards, stock exit forms, etc.);
Review & strengthen the Monthly Stock inventory report, under the CLM supervision, with logistics & program teams.
Fleet, transportation & fuel management
Support fleet reviews, and fleet prospects under the CLM supervision (market surveys, fleet analysis, etc.)
Support the implementation of user friendly tools for movements & maintenance planning;
Review & strengthen the Monthly Motorized asset report under the CLM supervision, with logistics teams.
Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of fleet & transportation documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (logbooks, maintenance sheets, administrative authorizations, insurance cards, etc.).
Asset management
Support assets review, and physical inventories;
Review & strengthen the Monthly asset follow-up per project code, budget line, with a clear location & user for each asset; investigate and document any loss or damage.
Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of asset documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (registration cards, etc.).
Communications & IT management
Support communication & IT reviews under the CLM supervision;
Review & strengthen the Monthly communication costs follow-up; investigate and support solving major over-costs;
Support the implementation of the IT plan: handle market surveys of maintenance services, internet connections opportunities, etc. under the CLM supervision;
Support the monthly data back-up (server, emails, etc.) as per replication standards;
Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of communication & IT documentation (lease agreements, security assessments, etc.)
Logistics TITANIC
Cross-check the overall consistency of all logistics TITANIC reports;
Cross-check real data with TITANIC reports under a random strategy, in particular during field visits;
Integrate internal & external audits recommendations into the monthly TITANIC review, as well as regular reviews.
Train logistics & other staff to logistics procedures & tools
Under the supervision of the CLM, maintain a training schedule over 6 months for logistics & other staff about logistics processes, procedures & tools, according to priorities agreed with CD, HQ Logistics & Audit departments;
Ensure that all trainings courses are aligned with ACTED logistics procedures & tools;
Ensure daily staff training during any task completed, with the final objective to empower logistics & other staff about logistics processes;
Support the formalization of logistics rules & tools, under the CLM supervision (memo drafting, flow charts, etc.).
Support logistics documentation
Make sure that filing as defined in ACTED manuals is part of the regular trainings to logistics staff;
Review past documentation in capital & field offices when needed;
Ensure the regular documentation flow from field offices to the capital office;
Upon request support logistics operations
The Logistics Intern might be requested to replace a CLO/ALO in case of his/her absence, under close supervision of the CLM; or to support emergencies, high workload periods, or any specific situation that would require an unusual workload in logistics. In case of CLM absence, the Logistics Intern will support the management of logistics teams, and the continuity of all logistics processes, under close supervision of the Country Director.
Expected skills and qualifications
Postgraduate diploma in relation to the position
Ability to work efficiently under pressure
Ability to work in an unstable security environment moving
Willingness to work and live in often remote areas under basic conditions
Ability to work independently and creatively about the land and capital
Knowledge of local language and/or regional experience an asset
Status : volunteer
Living allowance of 300 USD
Lodging and food provided in the ACTED Guesthouse
Flights tickets in and out + Visa taken in charge by ACTED
Provision of medical and repatriation insurances
Method of Application
Please send your application including cover letter and CV to under Ref: LOGI/KEN