Mara End of Project Evaluation – Nairobi – Action Africa Help – International

1.1 About AAH Kenya

ACTION AFRICA HELP KENYA (AAH-Kenya) is a non-governmental organization that addresses development challenges in partnership with marginalized Kenyan communities mainly living in low income urban and rural settings including arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs). AAH-Kenya is an affiliate Country Program of Action Africa Help International (AAH-I), which has been operating in the East and Southern Africa region for more than 20 years implementing programmes in South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia and Kenya.
1.2 About Mara Project
AAH Kenya is implementing a two-year project known as the Mara Enterprise and Market Development in Mara division funded by Bread for the World (BfTW), Germany. The project’s goal is to Support development of an ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ among Mara community members, in order to strengthen their resilience and capacity to lead their own development. The project is working in three intervention areas namely: Support to women in trade by equipping them with business training; rendering support to Mara livestock producers through breed improvement, exposure visits, capacity building and market linkages; and working with the youth in and out of school in capacity building programs which will help them tackle live challenges and be able to grasp the concept of entrepreneurship in order for them to tap into the available market given that Mara is strategically located and a world tourist destination.
Mara Division is located in Narok West Sub-County, Narok County, bordering Tanzania in the South and covers 4,964 km with a population density of approximately 9 people per km2 divided into four wards: Mara, Naikarra, Siana and Ilmotiook. Large-scale wheat farming is practiced in the high-potential zone and the world famous Masaai Mara game reserve occupies much of the County. Mara and Loita are the poorest divisions in Narok primarily covering the rangelands with low agricultural potential.
1.3 Terms of Reference
AAH-Kenya is seeking the services of an individual consultant to be involved to carry out an End-Term evaluation for the project in Mara division. This will include interventions on: Livestock value chain, Women entrepreneurship, Capacity building interventions, youth in and out of school and fish farming. We expect our partners to play a key role in designing and carrying out the evaluation such as confirming the suitability of tools, introducing the consultant to the communities and supporting the consultant while collecting data, as well as commenting on the analysis of evaluation findings.

2.0 Objectives of the End of Project Evaluation
The general objective of the evaluation is to assess extent to which the project achieved the stated goal and objectives, document lessons learnt and best practices.
The Specific objectives of the evaluation are: –
• To assess the extent to which project objectives have been achieved
• To assess the impact that has resulted from the project
• To assess the efficiency with regard to project interventions
• To assess the relevance of the project
• To assess the sustainability of the gains made by the project
• To document lessons learnt and best practices for replication in new phase of the project and other similar projects

3.0 Methodology
The consultant(s) is expected to use both quantitative and qualitative methods and adopt participatory evaluation methodologies involving the project staff, the community and key stakeholders including but not limited to the donor (BfTW) and Narok County government, and local partners. It is expected that the participatory nature of the evaluation process will encourage skills transfer to AAH-Kenya, Mara Project staff, local communities and partners involved in the assessment.
A random sample size will be agreed upon by the consultant and AAH-Kenya and extracted from initial beneficiary sample frame of 3,000 cattle keeping households, 600 pupils, 100 youth out of school and 180 women. On the basis of the foregoing, the consultants will further elaborate on the method and approach in a manner commensurate with the assignment at hand and reflect this in the inception report, which will subsequently be approved by the Programme team in consultation with key stakeholders. The evaluation report will be shared with AAH-Kenya, BfTW, Narok County Government, partner organizations, and the beneficiaries.

4.0 Scope of Work
The consultant in collaboration with AAH-Kenya and other partners will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
• Develop an inception report including methodology, approaches, data collection tools, a work plan schedule and budget to carry out the assignment to be agreed upon by AAH-Kenya & partners.
• Conduct desk review of project documents including reports, tools and other relevant documents, the range of which shall be agreed upon with AAH-Kenya.
• Develop or review a list of projects indicators to be measured based on the projects log frame and Performance Tracking Table.
• Develop data collection tools.
• Carry out training of data collectors (supervisors, interviewers, record reviewers) and pre-testing of data collection tools.
• Coordinate and supervise data collection.
• Carry out data analysis and development of evaluation draft report.
• Identify key informational gaps warranting further quantitative and/or qualitative research in line with AAH-Kenya researchable issues.
• Circulate draft ETE report for comments and debriefing of stakeholders.
• Submit the final End Term Evaluation report to AAH-Kenya Country Program (3 bound hard copies for each report, 3 soft copies in CD ROMs and a complete data set and code book).

5.0 Competencies and skills of ETE consultants
The Consultant(s) must have personal and professional integrity, and be guided by propriety in the conduct of their business. The team members should be experienced professionals who understand strategic planning, and are knowledgeable about NGO/humanitarian operations. S/he should have international experience with similar assignments in the region or countries of focus. The Consultant(s) will be selected using established AAH-I procurement protocols, a competitive selection process for team selection, ensuring transparency, impartiality and neutrality. In responding to this TOR, bidders should conduct themselves in a professional and honorable manner, and disclose any of their roles or relationships that may result in the potential conflict of interest in the conduct of the evaluation.

6.0 Specific Deliverables
• ETE Inception Report: This will be required to demonstrate a clear understanding and realistic plan of work for the ETE, to check that the evaluation plan is in agreement with the TOR as well as the expectations of the AAH-Kenya/Project Management and other stakeholders. The inception report should interpret the key questions from the TOR and explain how methodologies and data collection will be used to answer these. It should also elaborate a reporting plan with identified deliverables, draft data collection tools such as interview guides, the allocation of roles and responsibilities within the ETE team, and travel and logistical arrangements. The final ETE report should describe the full ETE methodology taken and the rationale for the approach making explicit the underlying assumptions, challenges, strengths and weaknesses about the methods and approach of the review.
• Presentation of the initial ETE findings with key stakeholders before finalization of the ETE report
• Submission of End Term Evaluation Report

7.0 Evaluation Timeline
The End Term Evaluation (ETE) is to be delivered by the 15 December 2016
Consultancy days
Preparation of Inception Report/ Desk Review
3 days
Inception Report
Propose Methodology & Tools
Data collectors training, data collection, analysis and reporting
15 days
Draft report / Findings
Presentation of initial ETE findings with key stakeholders
1 day
Power point & brief summary document
Drafting, review and finalization of the ETE Report including recommendations
2 days
ETE report
21 days
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 21 days effective 14th November to 15th of December 2016
8.0 Submission of Proposals
Interested consultants must include in their application a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components:-

i. Technical
• Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
• Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
• Time and activity schedule
• Profile and capability statement of the Consultant(s) describing the technical capacity and experience
• Names and Curriculum vitae of key personnel
• Samples of two most recent related works (and/or references for the same)
ii. Financial
• Detailed cost proposal in US$ or equivalent in Kshs for the consultancy.

Interested consultants should submit their application to the following E-mail; procurement@actionafricahelp.organd copy to on or before 24th October 2016.
9.0 Evaluation and award of Consultancy
AAH-I will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AAH-I reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.
