About Action Africa Help International (AAH-I)
AAH-I is an African-led, international non-governmental organisation, based in Nairobi, Kenya, that supports livelihood-challenged communities in East and Southern Africa to sustainably improve their well-being and standard of living. With Country Programmes in Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia, AAH-I has over 20 years’ experience working with communities in conflict and post-conflict situations, including refugees, internally displaced people and host communities. More recently it has expanded its activities to work with other marginalised communities including pastoralists and urban slum dwellers.
AAH-I’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, 2014 – 2018
In late 2013 AAH-I developed and launched its 5-Year Strategic Plan (SP) 2014 – 2018 which outlines the framework for the organisation’s programmes and activities as guided by the institution’s vision, mission and core values. This Plan is a result of various analyses and reviews of the previous period taking into account the significant changes – political, environmental and social-cultural that had taken place in AAH-I’s operating context.
The SP focuses on the following five strategic objectives:
1. Develop, promote and implement innovative entrepreneurial and sustainable livelihood programmes.
2. Design and deliver sustainable basic services in partnership with livelihood-challenged communities.
3. Facilitate humanitarian relief and recovery programmes for displaced and returnee populations to attain sustainable resettlement.
4. Strengthen the capacity of implementing partners for sustained service delivery and governance.
5. Enhance the capacity, efficiency, effectiveness and learning of AAH-I to innovatively deliver its Mission.
To cascade the SP to countries of operation, each country developed its own Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in alignment to the AAH-I Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018, while taking cognizance of the respective country contexts and needs. The CSPs also took into account the internal organizational changes, the changed and evolving development and humanitarian landscape in respective countries.
The Midterm Review (MTR) of the Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan is now in its third year of implementation; hence a midterm review needs to be undertaken. This Terms of Reference (ToR) sets out the objectives, scope and methodology for the MTR. A Consultant will be contracted to carry out the assignment.
The AAH-I Programme Director (PD) will be the Lead Manager, responsible for overseeing the logistical and contractual arrangements of the evaluation, managing external consultants, delegating responsibilities, securing approval of key deliverables according to the evaluation contract/timeframe, and ensuring adequate communication and quality control throughout the evaluation process. The PD will be assisted by the Regional M&E Specialist.
The overall objective of MTR is: to identify challenges and outline corrective actions to ensure that implementation of the strategic plan is on track to achieve maximum results by its completion. It is part of ongoing processes of learning, continual improvement and development of the organization.
The MTR will assess progress towards the achievement of the strategic objectives and outcomes as specified in the strategy document, and assess early signs of strategy success or short-fall. It is however important to look at the organisation as a complete entity, bearing in mind its long term development objectives. It will also serve as a precursor to the final evaluation of the strategic plan, and provide leads that will help refocus and shape the future strategic directions of the organisation.
The Specific Objectives (SO) of the MTR is as follows:
SO:1. Measuring Progress towards Results and Outcomes
This objective assesses efficiency and effectiveness of the strategy. Efficiency is about the extent to which results have been delivered in the least costly manner possible. It is directly related to cost-effectiveness – how well inputs, (i.e. funds, people, material, and time), are used to undertake activities and are converted to results. It includes whether the results or benefits justify the cost, and can compare alternative approaches to achieving the same results to determine whether the most efficient processes have been adopted. Effectiveness refers to the extent to which the strategy has, or is likely, to achieve its intended, immediate results. It is based upon an intervention’s objectives and related indicators.
Specifically, following will be considered:
• Review the indicators against progress made towards the targets using the Progress Towards Results Matrix (PTRM); colour code progress in a “traffic light system” based on the level of progress achieved; assign a rating on progress for each outcome; make recommendations from the areas marked as “Not on target to be achieved” (red).
• Review and align SMART indicator targets including gender-disaggregated indicators and indicators that capture development benefits.
• Review if broader development and gender aspects of the Strategy are being monitored effectively.
• Review the relevance of the strategy and assess whether it provides the most effective route towards expected/intended results. Were lessons from other relevant projects properly incorporated into the strategy design?
• Are the strategic objectives and outcomes or components clear, practical, and feasible within its time frame?
SO: 2. Assessing enablers and constraining factors of Strategy Implementation
• Identify and anticipate challenges and changes in the internal and external environments, which may require adjustment to the strategy or affect AAH-I’s ability to achieve its objectives.
• Review whether appropriate systems and structures are in place to facilitate the implementation of the strategy (management structure, the roles within it, the rules, procedures, systems and policies).
• Review processes and progress towards resourcing the organization and the likely impact on achievement of the strategic objectives.
• Assess the effectiveness of operational planning, whether it addresses the key questions: what will be done, who is responsible, how it will be done and with what resources, what success will look like and how impact will be measured.
• Review the extent to which relevant gender issues were raised in the strategy design. If there are major areas of concern, recommend areas for improvement.
SO3. Review how the Country Strategic Plans (CSPs) address respective country priorities and are aligned to AAH-I Strategic Plan.
• Was the CSP in line with the national development priorities and plans of the country?
• Ascertain whether the CSPs are aligned to the objectives of the AAH-I Strategic Plan and are contributing towards achievement of the strategic objectives.
SO 4. Document Lessons learnt and recommendation for adjusting current plans and developing next strategic plan
• Identify lessons learnt so far
• Provide recommendation for adjusting current plans and
• Provide recommendations for developing next strategic plan
The MTR is expected to provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful. The MTR Consultant will review all relevant sources of information including annual operating plans, annual reports, specific project reports/reviews, and lesson learned reports, national strategic and legal documents, and any other materials that s/he considers useful for evidence-based review.
*Review of Key Documents:* I**n order to facilitate the documentation review, the M&E Specialist will compile and provide an ‘Information Package’ that will include, amongst other documents:
• The AAH-I Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018
• The approved respective Country Strategic Plans (CSPs) and any Interim Strategy Documents
• The Operationalisation of AAH-I Corporate Strategic Plan, 2014 – 2018
• Annual operating plans for 2014, 2015 and 2016
• Annual reports 2014 and 2015
• Reports to International and National Boards
• Auxiliary or thematic strategies and programming frameworks
• Specific reports and project documents that might be of interest to the Lead Consultant.
Engagement of Stakeholders: The Consultant is expected to follow a collaborative and participatory approach, ensuring close engagement with the Country Teams, Regional Technical Advisers, Senior Management and other key stakeholders. S/he should facilitate the various AAH-I Teams to reflect collectively on progress in implementation of the strategy, in a structured way. Additionally, the Consultant is expected to conduct field mission which will be limited to AAH-Kenya Country Office only while engagement with any other AAH-Country Office will be done virtually not limited to skype or teleconference calls.
The Consultant(s) must have personal and professional integrity, and be guided by propriety in the conduct of their business. The team members should be experienced professionals who understand strategic planning, and are knowledgeable about NGO/humanitarian operations. S/he should have international experience with similar assignments in the region or countries of focus. The Consultant(s) will be selected using established AAH-I procurement protocols, a competitive selection process for team selection, ensuring transparency, impartiality and neutrality. In responding to this TOR, bidders should conduct themselves in a professional and honorable manner, and disclose any of their roles or relationships that may result in the potential conflict of interest in the conduct of the evaluation.
(i) MTR Inception Report: This will be required to demonstrate a clear understanding and realistic plan of work for the MTR, to check that the evaluation plan is in agreement with the TOR as well as the expectations of the MTR Manager and other stakeholders. The inception report should interpret the key questions from the TOR and explain how methodologies and data collection will be used to answer these. It should also elaborate a reporting plan with identified deliverables, draft data collection tools such as interview guides, the allocation of roles and responsibilities within the MTR team, and travel and logistical arrangements. The final MTR report should describe the full MTR approach taken and the rationale for the approach making explicit the underlying assumptions, challenges, strengths and weaknesses about the methods and approach of the review.
(ii) Presentation of the initial MTR findings with key stakeholders before finalization of the MTR report;
(iii) Submission of Mid Term Evaluation Report ( Using the AAH-I Template), (3 bound Hard copy plus a soft copy)
The MTR Report is to be delivered by the 31 December 2016
Consultancy days
Preparation of MTR Inception Report/ Desk Review
3 days
Inception Report
Propose Approach & Tools
MTR mission (including one country visit) and reporting
15 days
Draft report / Findings
Presentation of initial findings with key stakeholders
1 day
Power point & brief summary document
Drafting, review and finalization of the MTR Report including recommendations
2 days
MTR report
7. Time Frame
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 21 days effective 1st November to 31st December 2016.
8. Inception Proposal Specifications
Interested consultants must include in their application a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components:
i. Technical
• Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
• Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
• Time and activity schedule
• Profile of the Consultant(s)
• Samples of two most recent related works (and/or references for the same)
• Curriculum vitae of key personnel
ii. Financial
• Detailed cost proposal in US$ or equivalent in Kshs for the consultancy.
9. Submission of proposal
The proposals should be emailed to the address here below by 20th October 2016: –
AAHI tender@actionafricahelp.org
10. Evaluation and award of Consultancy
AAH-I will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AAH-I reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.