Trocaire has been implementing health and Nutrition programme in three districts of Gedo Region ( Belet Hawa, Dollow and Luuq from 1992 and Since 2013, Trocaire has been implementing a project funded by Irish –Aid through HPP grant whose main goals were to reduce malnutrition amongst high risk groups including young children, pregnant and lactating mothers in aforementioned districts. The survey will be collecting relevant benchmark information to know the present situation of the targeted household in terms of nutrition and health situation.
Trocaire in conjunction with the other implementing agencies and Ministry of Health plans to carry out a nutrition SMART survey in order to determine the levels of global and severe acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months and assess immunization coverage in Belet Hawa, Dollow and Luuq districts and also provide information to help in planning particularly in scale up interventions in the event of poor Gu rains in the above mentioned districts.
Principal Objective of the Work:
Detail analysis and interpretation of the collected data for clear understanding on the current nutrition situation and immunization coverage of the targeted population as well as set up a community based surveillance system to guide in scaling up and down of nutrition services
Specific Objectives of the Work:
Assess the prevalence and establish the level of global and severe acute and chronic malnutrition and amongst children aged 6 – 59 months (65 – 110 cm)
To determine the coverage of immunization and micronutrient supplementation
To estimate the retrospective Morbidity, Crude and Under five Mortality rates
to estimate the measles vaccination and Vitamin A supplementation status and estimate the prevalence of some common child illness (suspected measles, diarrhoea, febrile and respiratory illness)
To assess Infant and Young Child feeding and Maternal care practices
To describe the current household food security situation and WASH practices
To recommend appropriate interventions based on survey find
Establish a community based Nutrition surveillance system involving the following processes: 1) Literature review and development of the methodology and tools, 2)Field testing of the Methodology and tools, 3)A review of the process to determine the review of the methodology and tools and 4) validation of the methodology and tools based on the learning experiences
Responsible organization and Contact Information:Trocaire offices, Westlands, Donyo Sabuk, off Peponi road, house no 337.
1. Estimation of days: 60 calendar days
a) SMART survey ( 32 days)
1) Desk review and survey logistic planning 3 days, 2) training of data collectors 4 days, 3) field data collection 7 days, 4) Database entry, cleaning and analysis 8 days, 5) Preliminary report writing 3 days, and 6) Final Report and Presentation 7 days
b) Community Based surveillance system (34 days)
1) Literature Review and development of the methodology and tools – 8 days, 2) Field Testing the Methodology and tools inclusive of training 10 days, 3) review of the process, methodology and tools 6 days and 4) validation of the methodology and tools based on the learning experiences and a second round of the surveillance in order to ensure that the system is up to the purposes intended 10 days
NB: Some of the steps in the 2 activities can be done concurrently.
3. Proposal Submission:
The bidder shall submit copies of a financial proposal which should include a work plan along with detail CV in a single folder. The CV must contain the experience of the similar work, computer skill especially the competency in using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Power point and analytical software. The financial proposals should be marked properly and should include the name and contact details (address, telephone number, mobile number and email) of the bidder.
4. Validation of the Proposal
All cost should be quoted in Euros and will remain valid up to thirty (30) days from the date of proposal submission.
5. Outline of the Financial Proposal
The financial proposal should contain the following information. It should be all-inclusive covering professional fees, travel expenses, supplies, VAT & Tax and other related costs.
6. Criteria for Selection and Criteria total points
Knowledge skill and capacity: Data analysis, data interpretation, narrative report writing, report presentation etc.40%
Computer Skills: Use of analytical software, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft access, Microsoft power point, statistical software( Epi Info/ SPSS / Stata/ ENA) 25%
Professional experience: Experience of similar work 15%
Overall Technical Evaluation Points 80%
Financial Evaluation 20%
Total :100%
Competencies Required
An MPH or MSc (Nutrition) or other related fields with a strong statistical background
FIVE years’ experience in conducting SMART Surveys including experience in South Central Somalia
Previous experience in setting up community based nutrition surveillance systems
Good and sound understanding of statistical programmes such as SPSS, CPRo and Stata. However, CPRo and SPSS are a must
Experience in mobile data collection preferably kobo
Strong statistical and data management skills
8. Supervision
The bidder will work under the supervision and guidance of the Nutrition Coordinator and Programme Manager
9. Confidentiality
All the outputs will be treated as Trocaire’s property and the outputs or any part of it cannot be sold, used or reproduced in any manner without prior permission from Trocaire.
Bidders are requested to submit their proposals in soft copies according to the Terms of Reference (TOR) on or before 7th May 2017 to hrkenya