Pastoral Youth Education Initiative (PYEI) End-line Evaluation – Adeso

Adeso in partnership with the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund has implemented the Pastoral Youth Education Initiative (PYEI) to support vulnerable populations in Marsabit County to access critical educational opportunities. Marsabit County is plagued by some of the lowest levels of educational attainment in all of Kenya, and, for various, reasons, youth and women are particularly excluded from educational opportunities. The PYEI seeks to mitigate these unfortunate realities and pressing issues by enhancing the economic and social opportunities for pastoral youth and women through improving their access to quality educational opportunities. **
The theory of change envisioned in PYEI is that supporting their educational and economic opportunities, Adeso will strengthen the social and economic outcomes for young people and women in Marsabit, County.
The overall objective of PYEI is to strengthen the educational and economic opportunities available to women and young people in Marsabit County, and the specific of objectives of PYEI are as follows:
Provide secondary educational opportunities for promising students: PYEI scholarships target students who had either dropped out of school or who had been prevented from enrolling due to a lack of finances.
Provide for the vocational training for 35 young persons who would otherwise have not been able to attend.
Strengthen economic capabilities of TVET graduates through the provision of business start-up kits.
Provide educational opportunities through non-formal education centers.
PYEI has the following expected outputs:
TVET students and graduates find attachment for practical hands on training.
TVET graduates are prepared for private enterprise upon receiving material assistance through the start-up kits.
Mentorship Holiday Camp.
Students attend school with the support of scholarships.

The evaluation shall be carried out by an independent consultant(s) or firm who will further review the methodology as appropriate with concurrence of the PYEI project team leader. The end-line evaluation will combine a desk review of program documentation and primary research to be conducted in PYEI intervention locations in Marsabit. The precise methodology will be agreed upon between the consultant(s) and Adeso PYEI project team before evaluation activities commence, with the methodological outline provided by the consultant(s) as per this hiring being a starting point.
The evaluation design should consider both the ex-post and ex-ante scenarios to evaluate impact of PYEI. A combination of appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection analysis will be employed including but not limited to:
Use of Participatory Learning Action technique such as mapping, community meetings, Focus Group Discussions with specified groups etc.
Structured questionnaires and Semi-structured interviews
Direct observation of the conditions of beneficiaries for evidence of programme support.
Photographs of household who have been beneficiaries of programme
Documentation of case studies of beneficiaries whose lives have been impacted by the project.
Key informant interviews held with local authorities and other relevant persons identified at field level.
The Adeso PYEI team will provide a copy of relevant technical documentation deemed essential for effective evaluation of the program. The consultant(s) are expected to use diverse and innovative methods in obtaining required qualitative and quantitative data. The methods should be as participatory as possible and feasible within the time period and context. The methods include:
a) Literature review
The consultant(s)(s) will be expected to review programme documents and reports as a way of familiarizing with the project and to evaluate the extent to which project outputs have been achieved:
Programme Documents including: Narrative Proposal, log frame, activity plans and budget.
Program narrative and financial reports including quarterly reports/updates, Interim/ annual reports, annual surveys and baseline Reports.
b) Field Visit.
The consultant(s) will be expected to visit the project sites and conduct interviews with project beneficiaries, Local government authorities, project staff, and other stakeholders S/he deems fit. Adeso expects the exercise to be as participatory as possible using appropriate techniques/approaches.
c) Sampling techniques
The consultant(s) is expected to use a representative sample or any other appropriate sampling methods to obtain a fair view of the project information as articulated in this TOR. Additional information will be provided to aid in the final selection of areas to visit when the contract is awarded.
d) Data collection methods.
Adeso envisages a participatory approach in data collection to be employed throughout the evaluation. An open atmosphere that can also accommodate unexpected information and critical remarks should be created by the team. The evaluation is expected to suggest data collection methods that provide both quantitative and qualitative information. It is very critical that information is triangulated in order to increase the validity of findings. Possible methods include in-depth interviews, focused group discussions and questionnaires in collecting information.
e) Dissemination of findings
The consultant(s) will be expected to debrief Adeso PYEI project team on the evaluation findings. Upon obtaining feedback from the team, he/she will finalise and submit a final.
Scope of the Evaluation
The evaluation shall be limited to evaluating PYEI project impact in select locations in Marsabit County where PYEI project interventions were implemented.
Evaluation Results and Reporting Format
A comprehensive final evaluation report fully addressing all the specific objectives outlined above and should address all the components mentioned in the final report section below.

The consultant(s) will be responsible for three key deliverables:
Inception Report: The Inception Report will detail the agreed upon methodologies to be employed in the evaluation to achieve the objectives outlined above. The Inception Report should also include the finalised activity plan and a structural outline of the final evaluation report. The inception report should be shared and approved by Adeso PYEI project team before commencement of the data collection.
Draft Report: In addition to addressing the aforementioned consultancy objectives, the draft report must contain:
an introduction including programme summary and purpose of evaluation;
a detailed methodology including limitations,
key findings covering both document review and primary research,
a conclusion and annexes,
A soft copy of the Draft Report will be shared with Adeso within 5 days of completing field site visits.
Final Report: The Final Report in UK English (no more than 40 pages excluding references and annexes) with photos and infographics should be submitted to Adeso no later than one week after the consultant(s) has received feedback from all relevant programme staff, following this format below:
a) Title Page
b) Contents page
c) List of acronyms used
d) Executive summary
e) Introduction and background
f) Methodology
g) Findings, analysis and conclusions
h) Case studies
i) Including findings per output/outcome indicator
j) Discussion
k) Lessons learnt and recommendations
l) Study limitations
m) References
n) Annexures
i. All data collection tools (full versions to be attached)
ii. List of persons/stakeholders/organizations interviewed
iii. Consent form(s)
iv. Evaluation work plan schedule
v. List of key documents reviewed
vi. The final dataset used for analysis and production of final report in an accessible electronic format *. (sav, dta, csv, xlsx).
The consultant(s) will be expected to do the following;
· Evaluate the extent to which the project achieved its objectives with special emphasis on the outcomes and impact and/or most significant changes attributable to the project.
· To evaluate the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, reporting and sustainability of PYEI project approach with special emphasis to;
Community needs at the time of project identification.
Capacity building of target groups and its relevance to project implementation.
Results as articulated in the project log frame
The external environment (context) within which the programme was operational and its influence on project successes and/or failures.
Cross cutting issues/themes of Gender and inclusion, etc.
· Evaluate the extent to which the economic empowerment activities have impacted the targeted community.
· To make key observations, draw conclusions and make recommendations to inform future interventions of a possible scale up of PYEI project.
· Evaluate the efficacy of processes of beneficiary engagement against best practices in the sector.
· Evaluate project efficiency in utilisation of mobilised and committed resources in the implementation of the programme by Adeso.
· Evaluate the project structures sustainability at various levels (households, livelihoods zones, Local authorities) with focus on technical, financial, institutional sustainability and private sector engagement.

Time Frame and Location
Desk review of relevant literature and PYEI documents
2 day
Design survey tool
1 day
Interview with project team and stakeholders in the private and public sectors
4 days – Marsabit, Kenya
Data Analysis
2 days
Report Writing
3 days
2 day – Nairobi/Marsabit, Kenya

The consultant(s) will be expected to do the following;
Evaluate the extent to which the project achieved its objectives with special emphasis on the outcomes and impact and/or most significant changes attributable to the project.
To evaluate the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, reporting and sustainability of PYEI project approach with special emphasis to;
Community needs at the time of project identification.
Capacity building of target groups and its relevance to project implementation.
Results as articulated in the project log frame
o The external environment (context) within which the programme was operational and its influence on project successes and/or failures.
o Cross cutting issues/themes of Gender and inclusion, etc.
· Evaluate the extent to which the economic empowerment activities have impacted the targeted community.
· To make key observations, draw conclusions and make recommendations to inform future interventions of a possible scale up of PYEI project.
· Evaluate the efficacy of processes of beneficiary engagement against best practices in the sector.
· Evaluate project efficiency in utilisation of mobilised and committed resources in the implementation of the programme by Adeso.
· Evaluate the project structures sustainability at various levels (households, livelihoods zones, Local authorities) with focus on technical, financial, institutional sustainability and private sector engagement.

Master’s Degree or equivalent in Economics, Social Sciences, or related field
Work Experience:
A minimum of five (5) years of experience in Results Based Management.
Experience must primarily relate to senior levels of program management, change management and the monitoring and evaluation of program and reform interventions.
Experience with education programming and systems is a strong advantage.
Fluency in English and Swahili is required.

Technical Competencies:
Strong understanding of Results Based Management principles.
Excellent understanding of enterprise development and market systems.
Logic modeling/logical framework analysis.
Understanding of Participatory approaches.
Familiarity with livelihoods development.
Experience with/understanding of business development.
Design and management of evaluation processes, including with multiple stakeholders.
Good understanding of gender considerations.
Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.

In consideration of the fees paid, the Consultant expressly assigns to Adeso any copyright arising from the works the consultant produces while executing this contract. All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must however bear the consultant’s photo credit, as specified by international intellectual property rights. The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from Adeso.

Method of Application
All applications should be sent to by the 20th March 2020 with Consultancy title on the subject line. The selection committee will review all applications as they arrive. All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, and those unable to meet these requirements will not be considered.**
