Major Activities
End Results Expected
Planning in the Programme Cycle, 15%
Facilitate the development of a programme design that builds partner capacity in a way that ensures sustainability. Make recommendations for the log frame development, based closely on relevant information. Support the programme managers in the development of the logic of the intervention, as required
Facilitate a participatory review of logical flow and consistency within the hierarchy of objectives and assumptions. Contextualise indicators drawing on community conversations as appropriate
All AP under the Region have effective design documents completed in time
Identify key areas for monitoring according to the log frame. Identify and contextualize methodologies for appropriately measuring indicators using participatory methods where possible
Functional monitoring framework, M&E Plans and tools in place
Work proactively with key staff and stakeholder to develop detailed monitoring plan for the technical programme, ensuring clarity of roles and responsibilities
Monitoring plans put in place and in use; evidence by schedules and reports
Share monitoring and evaluation plans with key stakeholders and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. Seek approval for monitoring and evaluation plan from program design team lead as necessary
Approved M&E Plans in use (showing contribution of key stakeholders and approved)
Support planning for effective Surveys (Evaluations and Baselines) for APs transitioning or entering new phases within the Region
100% execution of all the planned surveys and assessment
Support Area programs to plan and coordinate M&E activities
Well adhered to AP Specific M&E Plans
Lead the process of annual planning and budgeting by all the APs and Grants depending on their implementation calendar and phases
100% timely completion and submission of the Annual Plans for Grants meeting donor requirements
Technical Support all DME and CB in the Region, 20%
Provide support to AP teams and partners in data processing, consolidation and analysis across the local programming areas.
Technically sound and csted AP process and Monitoring Plans and processes
Provide oversight on scheduling and budgeting for monitoring processes according to the needs of the technical programmes (TPs).
Support Programmes/Projects to ensure real-time monitoring and appropriate data storage for timely utilization by staff and partners to show progress and issues at Area Program, regional and national level.
Local programming data/information readily available for reference in decision making and programme evaluation/surveys,
Work closely with the area programme managers and teams to co-design technical programme M&E plans that are relevant to the local programming context.
TP M&E Plans in place and in use
Provide constructive/technical support to area programme managers on monitoring data generation to ensure that information produced is relevant and useful to the difference stakeholders.
UP to date and retrievable monitoring data in the M&E system
Share lessons learned from technical programmes with area programmes to enhance local planning and implementation. Suggest modifications that might be necessary at the local level based on evidence and lessons learned
Consolidated lessons from review of monitoring data documented and used in improving TP programming
Support the establishment and ensure use of quality monitoring systems and processes within the Region
Established and usable monitoring Systems in place
Visit field offices to monitor GIS operationalization in programs/projects and collect data
GIS Field Visit report with recommendations and action
Quality Assurance and Management through the Programming cycle, 20%
Ensure the sustained implementation of all DME related processes including LEAP/ HORIZON ,STEP, GIS/WVDPA /HAP/SPHERE at the Area Program and Regional operational levels;
Up-to-date monitoring databases (within the portfolio of projects) and in use in reporting and decision making
Ensure that D,M&E related activities – assessment, design, monitoring, baselines, evaluations, transition, and documentation – are successfully implemented as per standard and disseminated to staff and used to inform future ME processes and decision making.
DM&E Key components and processes meets the quality standards of practices
In relation to the AP Designs: Verify that collaboration with partners is appropriate to their capacity. Ascertain that the specific needs of the most vulnerable children are addressed. Verify the inclusion of collaboratively developed sustainability and transition plans with associated agreements with partners
Design documents meets the LEAP and relevant donor specific standards
Ensure harmonised timely and comprehensive routine and non- routine monitoring system for quality data as per the Technical program needs at the county and regional level
Joint/Integrated Quality monitoring completed and reported
Review Area Program monitoring data to ensure that it is accurate, relevant and contributes to national office strategy and CWB.
Up to date monitoring system (Horizon)
Ensure real time mapping of projects using GIS in the area programs
Up to date mapping of all project assets and profile
Develop periodic data verification and data quality improvement plans for the region
Functional data verification plan in place that is aligned to the National Data Quality Management guidelines
Ensure that GIS business processes, standards and policies developed in coordination with other WVK entities are effectively and consistently used by operations staff
GIS mapping adheres to the recommended processes and meets the standards and policies of practice
Ensure thorough data cleaning and processing prior to analysis and that descriptive and appropriate statistical analysis/tests are applied according to the analysis plan/indicator detail sheets, with support from NO DME specialists and consultancy teams.
All progress and Impact measurements are completed using aprorpiate Statistical Analysis and plan
Ensure that appropriate methods are used for sorting and analysing qualitative data, according to the analysis plan/indicator detail sheets, with support from the NO me specialists or consultancy teams.
Analysis summaries and appropriate factsheets are generated and shared with relevant stakeholders
Work with the Area Program manager to ensure active critical reflection and interpretation of the findings in context at the community and regional level.
Survey report meeting completed in time and disseminated to relevant stakeholders
Final report filed in appropriate repositories
Reporting of Progress and Performance, 10%
Facilitate/socialize Area Program teams’ understanding of requirements for a management report, according to LEAP/WV procedures. Guide the teams in the use of data management system efficiently to access relevant and necessary data for report generation
100% completion and timely submission of the AP Management Report as per guidelines and schedules
Review the analysed and interpreted data from across the area programmes in the region to collate learning and use the monitoring data developed during the reporting period as the basis for the programme report. Facilitate review sessions of participatory monitoring data to identify key messaging for the report
Documented learning and monitoring data and reports used in reporting
Coordinate collection of feedback from technical report reviewers to Area Program managers. Check the report for accuracy and quality to ensure they meet report LEAP requirements. Provide Technical support to program managers on uploading reports on Horizon
All the AP and Grants Reports in the Region are reviewed and feedback provided for
Support documentation of special donor reports or documentations of best practices or success stories
We documented reports meeting donor and standard reporting requirements
Lead the process of semi and annual reporting by all the APS and Grants depending on their implementation calendar and phases
100% timely completion and submission of the Semi/Annual Reports meeting donor requirements
Capacity Building, 10%
Support implementing staff to have required capacity (skills, knowledge & attitude) in DM&E processes and utilize it for enhanced programming.
Staff engaged in training, mentoring, coaching and practical field experience.
Promote an enhanced culture of learning, innovation and practice of LEAP/DME discipline and Empowered World View.
We adhered to learning schedule and Reports documented
Lead in the implementation of new program effectiveness initiatives to staff within the region e.g. Horizon Wave 2, WVDPA, EWV
100% roll out of the new initiatives as per standards and schedules
Support in building capacity of implementing staff to integrate Programme and accountability framework within Area Programs
All targeted staff trained of PAF and follow up reports on application done
Support Local Institutions capacity building initiatives
Institutional assessment reports in place
Up to-date guidelines and procedures
Advisory support provided to Regional ME teams on capacity building of local institutions.
Support Programs/Projects sustainability and transition (S&T) planning and implementation
Programs/Projects S&T plans in place and being implemented.
Research, Surveys (Evaluation/baselines) and documentation, 15%
Participate actively in scoping discussions with key stakeholders, in an analytical and well-informed way to inform program evaluation TOR. Build capacity of field level teams in understanding the relevant information for the basic information sheet.
Approved TORs and schedules for surveys meeting the DME Standards
Support the Area Programs teams in logistics planning for the training of data collectors and the data collection in the field in accordance with ToR. Critically analyse and approve plans as necessary to respond to field reality, in collaboration with the evaluation lead or and Area Program manager
Sound Methodology and tools applied in the scheduled surveys/measurements and other studies
Coordinate the review and provision of feedback on standard tools in consultation with DME Coordinator Research and documentation and field staff/partners.
Participate in the field testing of tools to ensure evaluation lead has adopted a technical sound methodology to ensure accuracy in data collection. Provide critical, review and approve the final tools to be used for the evaluation after feedback has been received
Co-facilitate training for data collectors and data entry clerks, in a way that supports effective learning. In collaboration with the Area Program manager support the smooth-running of the data collection process. Supervise the consultant during data collection and data entry clerks, with due care and attention to ensure maximum data quality
Data collection meets acceptable standard/agreed on and documented methodology and quality assurance procedures
Support AP storage of collected data securely as per policies relating to data protection for all programs at the regional level. Deal with and/or escalate technical issues and problems proactively as they arise, adapting plans as appropriate. Participate actively in reflection sessions and provide constructive critical feedback as necessary
Data storage and retrieval meeting the policy standards
Support data analysis, interpretation and validation with relevant stakeholders according to the indicator analysis plan
Robust/rigorous analysis according to the indicator detail sheets – Analysis Summary
Participate in feedback processes, with community, staff and partners in a context-sensitive way. Co-facilitate reflection and learning with staff and partners to refine interpretation of the findings. Review and provide considered feedback on the baseline or evaluation report, as requested
Well documented reflection and learning report on the surveys/study findings
Provide input for products appropriate for different audiences to share the findings and recommendations, as requested. Participate in reflection with DME team to review and refine learnings about the evaluation process
Documented evidence of feedback/input provided on the various DME products
Contribute to identification, protocol setting and monitoring of action researches integrated to Technical Programmes or their models
Up to date implementation of action researches given in regular tracking reports
Strategic Coordination and collaboration, 5%
Establish and maintain links with external organizations for collaboration, networking, resource sharing, materials development, and learning activities in DM&E.
Evidence of functional partnerships with learning institutions on potential research areas for evidence based programming sustained with running agreements/MoUs
Ensure WVK participation in learning/research forums within the county and National platforms/forums for wider experience gathering and sharing of practice.
Active Learnings for replication from participation in external learning/research forums
Any Other duty 5%
Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field from a recognized University, preferably in Social Sciences (Project Planning and Management, Statistics, Development Studies, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessments and Accountability) or related studies from a recognized university. Post graduate degree will be an added advantage.
Minimum of 5 years’ active experience in project cycle management
Extensive conceptual understanding of and demonstrated practical command for implementing program design/Logical Approach, management and evaluation principles;
Experience in integrated Programme/Projects design and associated tools development
Demonstrated ability to train and build capacity of other staff and grassroots institutions for effective Programme delivery
Must have knowledge and practical experience in Research, organizational learning and documentation and have good writing and editing skills
In-depth knowledge and understanding of WV working systems, policies and standards will be an added advantage
Ability to design and coordinate surveys (feasibility studies/assessments, baselines, evaluations; using both online and offline platforms
Good level of proficiency in data analysis techniques/software and data management
Ability to design M&E tools, surveys, surveillance systems, and evaluations
Strong interpersonal skills and managerial capacity [Preference]
Ability to build capacity of staff on relevant technical fields
Proficiency in written and spoken English.
Effective in written and verbal communication [English].
Good interpersonal, organizational and management skills
Ability to solve complex problems and to exercise independent judgment
Experience in production of high quality briefs and reports
Experience in publications of articles/journals
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