1. General Background
The incumbent is responsible for all technical support, coordination, policy development, monitoring and evaluation, and advocacy for the UNHCR Reproductive Health (RH) and HIV programmes in the East and Horn of Africa.
The Regional RH & HIV Officer (RRH&HIV) for East and Horn of Africa, will be a member of the regional team in his/her duty station and region, will coordinate and provide technical support to a regional network of country level HIV and RH focal points, Health, Nutrition, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), community based protection staff as well as Protection and Programme Officers. The RRH&HIV Officer should ensure that UNHCR RH&HIV policies and programmes meet minimum UNHCR and international standards, to prevent infection and minimise reproductive health related mortality and morbidity among populations of concern. The RRH&HIV plays a major role among the regional team in the region, supporting all issues related to RH, HIV, including protection issues (e.g. HIV discrimination, stigma, mandatory testing, HIV testing for resettlement, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)), health response to SGBV, Programme issues (e.g. HIV and RH programme funds come from country as well as headquarter budgets), Technical Support Sectors (e.g. RH and HIV are cross-cutting issue that deals with protection, nutrition, food security, community services, gender and age, public health, water and sanitation, shelter, and the environment).
UNHCR became a UNAIDS cosponsor in June 2004. Together with this major opportunity for including refugees in global, regional and country policies and programmes, come obligations and responsibilities. The RRH&HIV Officer is the HIV focal point for the 11 UNAIDS cosponsors with respect to HIV and displaced populations in the region. He/she is responsible for coordinating and advocating for HIV and refugee issues with Regional/Sub regional bodies such as IGAD and major HIV donors such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)). He/she will support country staff to advance refugee programming in coordination with National AIDS Control Programmes and UN Country HIV teams.
2. Purpose and Scope of Assignment
Reinforce coordination and implementation of quality and reproductive health and HIV activities, ensuring that the full minimum initial service package for reproductive health are provided in new refugee emergencies and that comprehensive quality reproductive health and HIV services are progressively integrated into the primary health care and provided to the refugee population.
Under the supervision of the Chief of Public Health Section, Geneva and working closely with the Public Health Officers and reproductive health/HIV staff at country level, the incumbent will be responsible for providing technical support, coordination, policy and planning, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation on reproductive health and HIV for refugees in the region.
These include:
1. Act as focal point for RH&HIV in the region, provide technical support to UNHCR country operations and partners to improve all aspects of reproductive health and HIV services to refugees based on countries specific needs and resource assessments.
2. Liaise with national and regional authorities of the host country when planning and implementing RH activities in refugee camps and among the surrounding population, where appropriate.
3. Liaise with other sectors (protection, community services, camp management, education, etc.) to ensure a multisectoral approach to reproductive health and HIV.
4. Create/adapt and introduce standardised strategies for reproductive health and HIV which are fully integrated within PHC.
5. Take measures to support the operationalisation of UNHCR’s guidance in maternal health, family planning and the adolescent reproductive health toolkit
6. Introduce/enforce standardised protocols for selected areas (such as syndromic case management of STIs, referral of obstetric emergencies, clinical response to survivors of sexual violence, counselling and family planning services. etc.).
7. Support the implementation of the regional grant for HIV and TB funded by the Global Fund through IGAD and similar subsequent grants
8. Monitor all reproductive health and HIV indicators in the region and provide feedback to countries on improving quality of data collection as well as programming.
9. Support the use of the Balanced Scorecard in monitoring the quality of RH services
10. Support analysis of maternal death audits in the region along with the Public Health epidemiologist identifying gaps in maternal health programming and making recommendations to address these gaps and supporting their implementation
3. Monitoring and Progress Controls
• Undertake regular missions to refugee sites in order to analyse, monitor, evaluate and supervise the implementation of reproductive health and HIV services delivery.
• Write mission reports with main findings and actionable recommendations
• Organise the collection, analysis and distribution of epidemiological information regarding the reproductive health status of the refugees. This includes support for evaluations, surveys and studies.
• Maintain regular email and telephone contact with staff in the field including organising regular teleconferences on specific themes 4. Qualifications and Experience
a. Education
University degree in medical studies (e.g. medical doctor, nursing,midwifery) highly desirable with Masters of Public Health or similar qualification desirable.
Consideration will be given to candidates without a clinical qualification if they have relevent social sciences, anthropology or related degree with substantial reproductive health related field experience and a Master Degree in Public health or related
b. Work Experience
• At least two years experience working in clinical practice or related work
• At least six years’ experience in Reproductive Health and HIV programming mostly in resource limited settings
• Experience working with refugees and/or in humanitarian settings desirable
• Experience in East Africa region is an added advantage
• Excellent writing and reporting English skills
c. Key Competencies
• Strong knowledge of reproductive and HIV programming in resource constrained settings
• Project or grant management skills
• Analytical and report writing skills
• Good communicator with strong interpersonal and negotiation skills to deal with different country contexts with persons of diverse cultural backgrounds
• Strive to live up to high ethical and professional standards;
• Team player with service-oriented attitudes
Contract duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2018
Supervisor: Snr. Reproductive and HIV Officer
Please send your application (Resume and Cover Letter) to HQPHN@unhcr.org