The Partnership for Advanced Care and Treatment (PACT) – TIMIZA is a five year CDC/PEPFAR-funded project of the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB), in partnership with the County Governments of Migori and Kisii. PACT TIMIZA in collaboration with both Migori and Kisii County Health Management Teams support a total of 182 health facilities in the provision of comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment services.
UMB is seeking proposals from organizations registered and/or operating in Kenya, to implement VMMC services in Migori County for the period of 12 months, beginning September 30, 2017 and ending on September 29, 2018.
PACT-TIMIZA goal is to support County government of Migori in the provision of at least 21,000 MCs in FY17 and train at least 230 MOH service providers to ensure sustainability. This is done through: targeted comprehensive VMMC services using surgical and device methods to males aged between 10 and 29 years; and EIMC as a component of MNCH to infants aged 1-60 days in Migori County; Linkage and enrolment of at least 90% of HIV positive VMMC clients into care and treatment; Implementation of quality systems to optimize completion of post-circumcision follow up and minimize adverse events; creation of a sustained and effective demand for VMMC services and expansion of VMMC services among the priority populations; building the capacity of the MOH health care workers by training them on surgical, devices methods of circumcision and Early Infant Male Circumcision (EIMC) using the national VMMC curriculum for sustainability; and implementation of quality assurance and a surveillance system to monitor both routine VMMC activities and adverse events.
Organizations must submit a proposal with a clear demonstration of capacity to roll out the intervention.
All applications must be received by COB March 27, 2017. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
Electronic submission: Submit the complete application electronically on or before the due date and time to the following address: . Please be sure that all documents are part of the electronic submission.
The technical application, budget, budget notes and attachments should be submitted as separate documents. Documents should be single spaced in size 12 Times New Roman font with one inch margins on letter size paper. Do not include photos with submission. The name of the applicant organization should be included on the footer of all pages of the application. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis by a technical review committee. All applicants will be notified on whether or not their submission is recommended for funding. The application should be written for a period of 12 months.
The following should be part of the application:
1. Cover page (1 page): Must include the name of the organization applying for funding.
2. Table of Contents – (1 page)
3. Executive Summary- (1 page) concise description of project, its objectives, geographic location, beneficiaries, targets as well as level of funding requested.
4. Acronym List- (1 page)- only if needed
5. Technical Application: (6 pages)-
• Background and need: Brief summary of the background of the problem that the project is addressing
• Project Strategy: How is project going to address the problem
• Goals, Objectives and Outputs: List the goals, objects and outputs of the project.
• Work plan and description of activities: describe plan and activities that will be done to reach goals objectives and outputs.
• Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: describe your monitoring and evaluation plan
1. Budget: The first page of the budget should include a budget summary with the following headings:
• Salaries and wages
• fringe benefits and allowances
• Consultant costs
• Equipment
• Supplies
• Travel
• Contractual
• Other costs.
The budget details should include a very detailed breakdown of how the figures in the budget summary were arrived at. Provide budget notes/narrative with detailed explanations for each line item in the budget
Attachment One: Institutional Capabilities and Past Performance. Describe your organization’s previous experience in providing the requested activities and explain why you think you are best suited to be funded. Include references.
Attachment Two: Organizational chart: provide an organizational chart of your organization
Attachment Three: Certificate of registration/incorporation
List key personnel: CV’s of key personnel and their job descriptions
The following criteria will be used to score the proposals:
1. Ability to carry out the proposal (30 points)
2. Technical and programmatic approach (30 points)
3. Monitoring and evaluation (10 points)
4. Understanding of the problem (10 points)
5. Personnel (10 points)
6. Administration and management (10 points)\
1. Must be a registered and/or operating in Kenya for at least three years.
2. Must have implemented VMMC services in Kenya
3. Demonstrated proof of compliance with Ministry of Health and approved guidelines
The request for or the receipt of an application in response to this request for proposals does not constitute an award commitment on the part of UMB.