Organizing a County Trade show
Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support (K-SALES) is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded project that aims to improvethe competitiveness of the cattle, sheep and goats (shoats) value chain by increasing productivity and boost marketing and trade of live animals and meat (cattle and shoat), and hides and skins and other livestock products value chains.
K-SALES project will be implemented in six counties within the semi-arid area of Kenya namely; Machakos, Makueni, Kitui, Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Taita Taveta.
The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) is to invite prospective individual candidates with proven experience in organizing agricultural trade shows with a focus of livestock.
Over 3 years, the USDA – Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support (K-SALES) will improve the competitiveness of the cattle, sheep and goats value chain by increasing productivity and boost marketing and trade of live animals and meat (cattle and shoat), and hides and skins and other livestock products value chains.
K- SALES interventions will increase the availability of quality enhancing inputs, technologies and services, while increasing adoption of improved cattle, sheep and goat production systems and farm management techniques.
The project will stimulate and leverage Public and Private Partnership (PPP) investment in infrastructure and technologies through matching grants in the project and strengthen vertical and horizontal linkages through capacity building and mentorships to improve linkages between buyers and sellers, buy-down risk of investment and reduce transaction costs in the six Counties. K-SALES will also facilitate farmers to attend County level livestock trade shows.
C. Overall objective
The overarching goal for K-SALES is increasing agricultural productivity and expanding trade of agricultural products of Kenya cattle, sheep and goats sector in domestic, regional and international markets.
Successful candidates will be required to facilitate the achievement of the following specific objectives of the County trade show;
· Expose livestock producers and other livestock sector stakeholders to technologies and techniques for enhancing production and quality service delivery.
· Provide a capacity building platform during the tradeshow in form of short seminars and demonstrations to small scale & large scale producers in beef cattle, meat goat and sheep.
· To showcase outstanding breeds for different livestock with an emphasis on beef cattle, meat goats and sheep
· Provide a platform /unique opportunity for farmers, service providers and other industry suppliers to showcase their products for benchmarking and trade.
D. Terms of Reference
The consultant will play an important role in facilitating and driving forward Land O Lakes key activities in the K-SALES project through organizing the County Level livestock trade show.
Key Activities to be undertaken by the event organizer
Provide a detailed work plan of the County trade level show/fair scheduling all the processes, undertakings which will be done and in the specified time frames.
Identify relevant exhibitors in partnership with the K- SALES Local Implementing partners (LIPs) and sector county departments. The exhibitors to include but not limited to banks, micro finance institutions, Insurance agencies, feed producers, agro dealers, farmers, Government agencies, Water access organizations ,technical training institutions Post-Harvest & Processing business entities, Cooperatives, SACCOS in livestock sector and other actors that create a market environment.
Identify the venue for the show in appropriate sites in the specific county.
Design the show posters/banners, announcements with K-SALES communication specialist and ensure such messages are announced, printed and mounted for publicity.
Identify and Invite key guests to officiate and participate in the trade fairs
Work closely with K SALES team to organize and make all logistical arrangement for the fair which include and not limited to acquiring tents, chairs, tables, PA system and other required equipment and materials.
Work closely K-SALES local implementing partners to mobilize producers and source transport means to and fro the show venue.
Collaborate with K-SALES local implementing partners to source livestock to exhibit in the show and liaise with K-SALES team for putting up livestock sheds, feeds and other relevant inputs required.
Display show advertisement banners in at least 3 strategic locations in the county and post show posters in various strategic locations in the county.
Organize for the Advertisement of the shows in local electronic media (in conjunction with the LIPs and K-SALES staff)
Organize seminar rooms (tents) for specific topical sessions and mobilize farmers to attend sessions and also coordinate the trainings
Prepare Trade show report to K-SALES indicating total number of show attendance, number of exhibitors, number of farmer attending the training sessions and topic they attended. Also track the volume of business transacted during the show.
a) A detailed report of the County level livestock trade show with specific targets of farmers attending and participating in the show, volumes of business transacted exhibitor’s details and other targets as guided by K-SALES Livestock Production Advisor.
Interested applicants will be required to submit proposals with details of how they will achieve the scope of work and accompanied by a budget of the daily compensation rates.
If you feel you have the background describe above and meet all the criteria, we encourage you to submit a proposal with the following documents;
CV/S & cover letter.
The proposal should be emailed to Procurement.KSALES@idd.landolakes.comnot later than 4th of March 2015, at 5 pm EAT. Late applications will automatically be disqualified. Should you require any further clarification, please contact us by e-mail. Women candidates are encouraged to apply.