Senior Human Resource Management and Development Officer – County Government of Kakamega

Job Summary
Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer musti. Have Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management OR any related Social Science from a recognized University;

Have served in the grade of Chief Human Resource Management and Development Officer or comparable position for a minimum period of three (3) years;
Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management from a recognized institution;
Certificate in Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution;
Be a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) Kenya in good standing;
Certificate in computer applications skills from a recognized institution; and
Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

An officer at this level will be deployed at Department responsible for Human Resource Management and Development. Specific duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:-
coordinating Human Resource services in such areas as appointment, promotion, payroll management, discipline, pensions, establishment and complement control;
analyzing the staffing levels and making proposals for succession planning;
ensuring collection, collation and analysis of human resource management and development data from County Departments and Agencies and making appropriate recommendations;
analyzing human resource management and development issues emanating from County Departments and Agencies and initiating appropriate action;
monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of Human Resource Management and development policies, guidelines and procedures in County Departments and Agencies;
Organizing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating training programmes;
managing the County human resource information systems;
preparing and compiling reports on the implementation of Performance Management systems including Performance Appraisal Systems;
analyzing staff progression and making proposals for career development; and
any other lawful duties that may be assigned from time to time.

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