Term Evaluation Consultancy Services – KISC-WASH Project

Background Information on the Consultancy: The Salvation Army Kenya East Territory has been implementing a five year integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project in 40 rural primary schools and 20 communities in Kitui, Machakos and Makueni Counties since 2013.

The project targets to benefit over 100,000 people within these three counties through access to clean water supply, improved sanitation and hygiene, health and agricultural services.

It is for this reason that the project is calling for the services of an External Consultant to conduct a Mid-Term Evaluation of the project in June 2016.

Objectives: The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which the project is achieving its set objectives based on the project proposal, log frame, budget plans, implementation schedule, and in line with relevant WASH programming policies in Kenya since its inception.

The Salvation Army – KISC WASH project seeks an independent external consultant to design, plan and undertake the evaluation in June 2016.

Desired Qualifications of the consultant
The consultant (s) is required to have the following qualifications:
Proven track record in M&E especially that of WASH projects/programmes evaluations, with at least 5 years experience in carrying out similar consultancies and a proven track record of excellent results delivery.
A good knowledge of participatory approaches and community development theories, concepts and practice.
Lead consultant should have at least Masters Degree in Community Development or Public Health or Project Management or related fields.
Excellent report writing skill.
Prior experience in WASH projects and specifically in a rural set-up is an added advantage

Interested applicants should send in a soft copy of their technical and financial proposal for this assignment with details of consulting team members and previous assignments undertaken to kenya_projects@kya.salvationarmy.org by 15th April 2016.
