DRC has been operating in Kenya since 2005, where it offers humanitarian assistance to refugees and displacement-affected communities by implementing protection and livelihoods activities that increase their self-reliance and expand opportunities for a dignified life. DRC works in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps, as well as in Nairobi and Mombasa to assist urban-based refugees.
DRC has been implementing a one-year program funded by United States Department, Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM), titled ‘Strengthening Protection and Self-Reliance Mechanisms for Refugees in Kenya’ since September 2016. The project’s overall goal is that refugees have an improved protective space during displacement and are able to increase their self-reliance. It is expected that after one year, GBV prevention and response mechanisms in Dadaab and Nairobi have been strengthened through community structures and networks; positive coping and response strategies are enhanced among adolescents and youth in Kakuma; and income generating capacities for refugees and host community in Dadaab, Kakuma are enhanced thereby increasing their self-reliance. The number of direct beneficiaries targeted in the project is 4,760 (850 Kakuma, 2,210 Dadaab and 1,700 Nairobi).
GBV prevention and response interventions were implemented in Ifo 1 camp in Dadaab and in Nairobi through: i) community sensitization events; ii) capacity building of community-based support structures e.g. parents/teachers associations, safe home volunteers & school clubs); iii) provision of psychosocial and material support to GBV survivors and other vulnerable cases; iv) referral of GBV cases to other service providers for complementary assistance; and v) roll out of the SASA (Start, Awareness, Support, Action!) methodology to enhance community involvement in addressing GBV. In Kakuma, protection interventions targeted adolescents and youth through: i) a mentorship programme for girls; ii) training of teachers in selected primary schools to facilitate discussions on protection issues faced by children; iii) talent promotion/recreational activities for youth in which selected individuals had the opportunity to further develop their sports, music and art skills; and iv) engagement of youth leaders in voicing and coming up with solutions to youths’ issues.
Livelihood interventions implemented in the project included: i) provision of scholarship support and start-up kits to selected graduates in Dadaab, Nairobi and Kakuma; ii) village savings and loan training and issuance of revolving grants to promote access to financial services in Nairobi; iii) product development support and business management skills training for selected value chains in Nairobi, Kakuma and Dadaab; iv) business registration support in Dadaab and Nairobi; v) language skills training for individuals in Nairobi; vi) online/ digital training and start-up kits to enhance capacities of targeted beneficiaries in Nairobi to undertake online work; vii) capacity building for artists in Nairobi on visual arts, video and music production as well as linkage to relevant livelihood opportunities; and viii) apprenticeship placements for practical skills development in Nairobi.
The purpose of the consultancy is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the ‘Strengthening Protection and Self-Reliance Mechanisms for Refugees in Kenya’ project were met. The findings are expected to highlight lessons, best practices and recommendations that can inform ongoing and future programming by DRC in Kenya and similar contexts.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are to 1) assess relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project, and 2) generate lessons learned to inform sustainable closure of the projects and the next phase of project design and implementation.
The evaluation should respond to the following key questions:
• To what extent did the interventions implemented meet the expectations of the people concerned (men, women, youth and adolescents)?
• Was the response timely and cost effective? Did the implementation process take into account value for money considerations? What specific components / strategies demonstrate value for money?
• Did the project achieve what it set out to achieve (output/outcome indicator targets set in logframe)?
• To what extent did the response reduce future vulnerabilities of target groups through specific protection and livelihoods interventions?
• What were the intended and unintended, positive and negative, lasting and transitory outcomes of the interventions?
• What are key contributing factors affecting the achievement or non-achievement of the intended outcomes?
• Which aspects/components of the interventions implemented have potential for impact and sustainability beyond the project period?
• Are skills gained being used/likely to continue being used after the project closure?
Accountability to affected populations:
• To what extent did the project adhere to DRC accountability framework, specifically in information sharing, participation of beneficiaries throughout the project cycle (design, implementation, monitoring), gathering and providing feedback to beneficiaries?
Areas for learning (to be refined further at inception stage of the evaluation):
• What aspects of the GBV prevention/response interventions contribute to changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices that mitigate rights violations for women/girls and other vulnerable groups in the community? To what extent are community volunteers / groups able to influence changes in attitudes about GBV?
How has the mentorship programme impacted on at-risk/vulnerable girls in Kakuma? Is it still relevant? If yes, what components can be retained or reviewed for more impact? What other approaches could be used to support at-risk girls and sustain their participation in productive activities?
To what extent does talent development support contribute to sustainable income generating opportunities for youth in the project locations?
For livelihood training beneficiaries (scholarship/apprenticeship), what factors facilitate their access to employment / self-employment (and thereby income generation) on completion of training?
What aspects of the value chain support worked well, and could be potentially scaled up for more impact?
Scope of consultancy
The Consultant/Consultancy firm will undertake the evaluation in Kakuma, Nairobi and Dadaab where the activities were implemented. The evaluation will primarily target direct beneficiaries of the project in both locations, but will include sampling of the 2015/2016 PRM project beneficiaries to provide indication of sustainability of DRC interventions.
Key Tasks The scope of work for this evaluation includes the following:
• Develop an inception report detailing the process, methodologies and tools to be employed to achieve the objective of this consultancy as stated above. It should include a detailed work plan for this exercise, and present the same to DRC for review and further inputs. Inception report to be presented within 5 days of signing the contract
• Undertake a desk review of the relevant project documents that include the Proposal, Results/Logical Frameworks, Implementation Plans, Project Implementation Reports, and any other relevant documents
• Carry out data collection (using mobile platforms where appropriate), entry and analysis and write up end term evaluation report. The format of the report shall include the following:
• Executive Summary (max 2 pages)
• Preliminary pages – Acknowledgment, Acronyms and Table of contents
• Main text, to include:
• Background Information: Brief on the project and context;
• Evaluation purpose and objectives; study limitations
• Methodology: Design, Sampling technique and Sample size
• Findings: Analysis based on objectives and interpretation. Where possibleinclude photos that support findings e.g. illustrating livelihoods outcomes
• Key accomplishments and summary of project assessment
• Lessons learned and opportunities for improvement
• Recommendations
• Appendices: tools, ToR, list of respondents, bibliography, etc.
• Present the draft report to DRC team for review before producing a final document. The report will be deemed finalized when the Country Director signs it off.
• Hold debrief meeting with key stakeholders to reflect on findings (including lessons learned) and recommendations.
• Develop an evaluation lessons learned brief based on a template to be provided by DRC (as per DRC Evaluation Policy, this document will be shared with the Country Director, Regional MEL Advisor and HQ MEL department).
• Submit a Final End Term Evaluation Report to DRC (soft copy in 2 CDs and 4 bound hard copies). The consultant is requested to use participatory approaches to collect information from staff, beneficiaries and other key informants. The information must be qualitative and quantitative.
The evaluators should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the evaluation is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the evaluation is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. Any photos and or stories documented should have informed consent of beneficiaries.
Key deliverables/outputs
Inception report
1. Field report (after data collection)
2. Four (4) good quality bound hard copies of the evaluation report (well formatted and printed on good quality paper)
3. Soft copy of the report in two (2) CDs
4. Study materials including soft copies of all data sets both quantitative and qualitative
5. List of respondents to be annexed to the report
6. Final report (20-25 pages) excluding annexes
7. One (1) Lessons learned brief (3 pages max), highlighting two key findings that are relevant for DRC programming in similar contexts. One finding needs to address a best practice and the other finding is to address a challenge or failure that DRC as an organization can learn from
DRC will:
• Provide information on the context and project, contact numbers for relevant people
• Accompany the consultant into the project areas in the camps and Nairobi as mutually agreed between DRC and the consultant
• Set up meeting with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries
• Make arrangements for accommodation in Dadaab and Kakuma; but consultant will be charged for accommodation and meals.
• Make arrangements for travel to and from project sites for data collection
• Provide consolidated feedback/guidance on draft reports
The Head of Programmes Development is the overall in charge of the consultancy. The review will be supervised by the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. The consultant will also work closely with the Area Managers in Dadaab, Nairobi and Kakuma when undertaking fieldwork.
The time frame for this consultancy is 20 days, from the time the contract is signed.
Post-graduate/Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, community development, refugee studies, and humanitarian law or other social sciences related subjects
Experience & skills
• At least seven years of experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection skills and methodologies in completing assessments, reviews and evaluations with the UN, international NGOs and/or NGO sector
• Good research and analytical skills
• Excellent written and spoken English
• Excellent facilitation skills
• Strong report writing, data collection, data analysis skills
• Demonstrated experience with community-based and participatory approaches
• Demonstrate sound knowledge of leading and conducting monitoring, reviews and evaluations
• High level, up-to-date knowledge and understanding of livelihood and protection in refugee/displacement context
• The Consultant must be available to commence the end-term review by 7th September 2017 and able to provide a draft report by the 30th September, 2017.
• The consultant should adhere to the UNHCR coordinated security guidelines. DRC does not guarantee security of the consultant and will therefore not be liable for any eventuality. Nevertheless, any relevant security updates will be shared with the consultant when necessary.
• The consultant must abide by DRC security rules and directives
• The consultant must complete work within the stipulated time frame
• The consultant must operate within the budget allocated.
• The consultant must adhere to and sign DRC’s Code of Conduct
For general information about the Danish Refugee Council, please visit
DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework, outlining its global accountability commitments. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of this framework (
Interested applicants who meet the required profile are invited to submit an expression of interest including:
1. A suitability statement including CV of participating consultants with details of qualifications and experience.
2. Technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the TOR, methodology and tools to be used.
3. Work-plan clearly indicating the activity schedule.
4. Financial proposal providing cost estimates and consultancy fees.
5. Contacts of three organizations that have recently contracted you to carry out similar assignments.
Interested parties should forward the expression of interest, in English on this link under vacancies no later than 29th August 2017
If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please contact
Employer want to submit job applications through their website at: Apply Online